I was surprised by the title of this episode as it suggests grand scifi, but the plot synopsis depicts a usual situation that we've seen far too many times in the space opera settings. Especially in the ST.
This episode felt so similar to many of them, but as soon as they started showing a green planet, the differences started to kick in. They away team armed themselves and then they found this,
I was ready to drop the episode, as I felt so cheated, but I kept going on with the intrigued of needing to know how Seth had framed the story around Earth structure appearing at distant planet. It does look far from "desolated," that they kept repeating so, so many times.
That building had lights on and just shiny, polished floors. Only it was an illusion that got a bit broken as soon as Kelly started shooting walls. As a TT nerd, I was intrigued and annoyed at the same time.
In my head, I kept thinking that they were in an Alternative Reality, but most of the time I hated the whole High School aspect. Gordon getting beaten for Randall's lunch money was almost the last tick. Then he showed up,
A monster size of a school bus, and all the "humans" were totally cool about it. It was as if I was watching Clockwork Orange, again. I liked the fight, especially as the monster seemed to follow physic rules. But when they got next trapped in a plane, and the second away team found a properly desolated planet,
I started to get back into. But I could not figure out what the h*ll had happened to the first away team. All I could think was that they'd entered into Stephen King's nightmares and had to go through his horrors to reach the boogeyman.
What kind of monster would need sentient beings going through a VR torture?
A more intriguing question is, will the crew learn to wear Exosuits and be extra careful in the future away missions?
The torture device. Who put it there and powered it up? I was glad that the Captain destroyed it first, and then they conducted analysis to find out that it had been planted by the Kaylons. If so, then why Isaac couldn't identify the tech as his own?
Except that it was a ruse.
The real thing. The way she's dressed made me to think Tron straight away, but she explained that she was an immortal from "a future." All harking back to UFO tales and TT travellers. So, in a way, it was their Q moment.
Very confusing episode.