1.05: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Spock Amok


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Hmm! After enjoying the last two episodes, I felt this one fell flat. Spock has relationship problems. Pike acts on his hunch. Number One and Noonian-Singh play Enterprise Bingo. It was a comedy episode, and I'm sure many did like it.

Everyone is taking some well-deserved shore leave while the Enterprise is in dry dock after its close encounter with a black hole. Dr. M’Benga is going fly fishing, Chapel is meeting a date, while Spock has plans to spend quality time with T’Pring. We learn a little more about some of the major characters.

It begins with a recreation of the fight scene from Amok Time including the iconic music, but we quickly discover it is a dream in which Spock's Human side must fight his Vulcan side.

Spock and T'Pring switch places when their soul-sharing ceremony goes wrong. Spock knocks someone out with a punch. Diplomacy with R’ongovians, who have important territory between Klingon and Romulan Space, are won over when Pike shows them that he understands how they feel, and gives them every reason why they shouldn't join the Federation.
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After enjoying the last two episodes, I felt this one fell flat.

It was a comedy episode, and I'm sure many did like it.

Count me among those who didn't like it. I loved it!

Are you the other place fun goes to die? :) How else was I to know that gum flavor can be restored by a quick loop through the transporter?

I thought the whole Freaky Friday Vulcan body swap was hilarious -- especially before Pike knew he was trying to convince T'Pring/Spock to take over diplomatic negotiations.

The Vulcan relationship woes made me wonder if their fabled stoicism was mostly outward appearance. T'Pring didn't need to frown for Spock to realize he was in deep trouble.

I also liked the concept of Enterprise Bingo. As a veteran of Navy chair racing and chair basketball, I can see something l like that developing in a large military crew.
Almost forgot. The Vulcan malcontent T'Pring was charged with capturing for rehabilitation had raised some sort of ruckus on Kepler-22b. I wonder if a flying serpent was involved? :LOL:
malcontent T'Pring was charged with capturing for rehabilitation had raised some sort of ruckus on Kepler-22b.
I caught that but I didn't think it was a deliberate joke. I'm thinking now that it was.

On reflection, maybe this deserves a second watch by me. Yes, think I might have been in 'the other place fun goes to die' myself when I watched this. It was a very abrupt change of pace. I was expecting more of the same, and not a comedy episode at all. I think I was mainly disappointed.

I also thought that Pike's gamble at the end was a huge risk taken with large stakes. If it hadn't gone his way...

I don't think Star Trek has often historically done comedy very well (the TNG Data episodes) but TOS had comedy (Trouble with Tribbles). If you accept this as a comedy episode being played totally for laughs, then compared to the TNG, DS9 and VOY attempts at comedy it does stand up well.
I have never laughed at Spock jokes, but decking Bajor on the meeting made me laugh and cry out loud. It was that good. It's amazing what a thin, tall, clearly underweight woman can do when they are pissed. Never underestimate woman's punch, because a slap alone can make your ears ring till tomorrow. I also enjoyed them mixing in the Lower Deck.
