(Found) Immortal asylum patient


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2020
Long short story or short novelette. Probably 1960s.
A new doctor or administrator at a New England psychiatric hospital (oldest in the country?) is checking records of a "John Kingman". He goes all the way back to Colonial times. John got the name as a result of his haughty manner. His first record says he appeared after a strange meteor shower. When he is examined he has two hearts and other anomalies. They try to communicate with him, and he sketches out a nuclear reaction that, when tested out in microscopic quantities is an explosive more powerful than an H-Bomb. Doctors try to cure him but only push him further into his fugue.
Wow that Leinster was a treasure.
First sf alt-hist story depicted if-worlds as physically real places one could travel to.
Trope namer for First Contact stories.
Described the World Wide Web in the ending days of WWII.
Really under appreciated.

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