Doctor Who (39) 13:08: Legend of the Sea Devils


Good with a stick
Sep 27, 2011
[edited] Looking forward to the return of the Sea Devils. They've not been seen since that very good Pertwee episode :)
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They've not been seen since that very good Pertwee episode
Weren't they in the Peter Davidson story with the Silurians and the pantomime Loch Ness Monster? Give me a few minutes and I'll check the title.

Edit: Doctor Who And The Silurians. It was set in the future when Earth was divided into East and West Blocs. The Silurians (actually Eocenes) and the Sea Devils joined forces to attack a human base of one Bloc, called Seabase 4, to cause the launch of nuclear missiles against the opposing Bloc and bring about mutual annihilation on the humans, allowing the elder races to take over. They launched the Myrkha (worst ever Doctor Who monster) to attack the base. The Fifth Doctor flooded the base with a gas, deadly to the Silurian’s but not humans, killing them all, because he always was a genocidal maniac.
They showed up in a Matt Smith episode as well - but looking somewhat different.
Weren't they in the Peter Davidson story with the Silurians and the pantomime Loch Ness Monster? Give me a few minutes and I'll check the title.

Edit: Doctor Who And The Silurians. It was set in the future when Earth was divided into East and West Blocs. The Silurians (actually Eocenes) and the Sea Devils joined forces to attack a human base of one Bloc, called Seabase 4, to cause the launch of nuclear missiles against the opposing Bloc and bring about mutual annihilation on the humans, allowing the elder races to take over. They launched the Myrkha (worst ever Doctor Who monster) to attack the base. The Fifth Doctor flooded the base with a gas, deadly to the Silurian’s but not humans, killing them all, because he always was a genocidal maniac.
They haven't shown up in any episode since that very good Pertwee episode. Any attempt to convince me otherwise will result in willful denial/violence (delete as appropriate)
"Warriors of the Deep" and "World War Three" both make me want to see an episode where the Doctor helps defend poor helpless aliens from evil human invaders. He cooks up a variety of horrific chemical weapons - "See, if you mix zikhtula salt with malming fluid and throw it on a Human, you can make their skin dissolve!"
I want the Doctor to remove the head off the Myrkha to reveal two different regenerations of the Master, and the Masters to say, "And we would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for your meddling hominids!"
Was I the only person who thought this was on this weekend? It isn't coming until "Spring 2022" whenever that is and it seems she doesn't regenerate until the Autumn.
Maybe it will be an Easter special like Planet of the Dead?
Maybe it will be an Easter special like Planet of the Dead?
I can't see a date, but I expect you are correct that it will be Easter weekend. Then possibly one more special for the Queen's Platinum weekend when they have moved several existing Bank Holidays altogether.*

*as an aside, I don't get Bank Holidays. I used to have to work them, so I thought I was missing something special, but no, everything is either closed, or else fully booked and over-priced; the roads are traffic jams; and about the only think you can do is to watch repeats and old films on TV!
The Sea Devils design looks spectacular.:cool:(y)

As we previously reported the second of three 2022 Doctor Who specials, Legend of the Sea Devils, will air on BBC One Easter Sunday, April 17 — most likely at 7:00pm BST.

To recap, the Easter transmission date was first discovered on the Legend of the Sea Devils director Haolu Wang’s online CV.
This is on UK BBC1 on Easter Sunday (tomorrow) at 7.10 pm BST.

I wonder how the Doctor will explain to Yaz and Dan about his genocide of the Sea Devils?
"Warriors of the Deep" and "World War Three" both make me want to see an episode where the Doctor helps defend poor helpless aliens from evil human invaders. He cooks up a variety of horrific chemical weapons - "See, if you mix zikhtula salt with malming fluid and throw it on a Human, you can make their skin dissolve!"

I was honestly horrified as a kid at the doctor’s collaboration in a genocidal solution to the Silurian problem. The fact that he moaned “if only there was another way” while he did it seemed to make it worse.
The original Pertwee Sea Devils story is one of my favorites. As for the current show, I haven’t bothered watching since the Matt Smith years. The show had occasional moments but mostly just annoyed or infuriated me with its various inanities. And making the doctor into something approaching a godlike cosmic principle was a huge mistake from the John Nathan Turner years which the new show carried forward with a vengeance.
I watched it, and loved every minute of it. I've enjoyed Jodie Whittaker's run as the Doctor immensely, although there have been some episodes which had a bit of duff writing (the minority, though). This was not a duff episode in any shape or form. The characters were well-written and developed, although the Sea Devils are not the most menacing villains out. I even let my disbelief be suspended on how Madame Ching could sail the ship single-handedly, as it was a minor point.
I'm afraid I don't think much of this episode.
some episodes which had a bit of duff writing
Only some? This was one of them in my opinion. Exploding cannonballs and electric swords, I can take them after having seen the Candyman, but...
how Madame Ching could sail the ship single-handedly
Or with just the three of them! And the cannons were primed and ready to be fired. However, that doesn't compare to the poor story. Correct me if I'm wrong anywhere, but there was once upon a time, this Sea Devil looking for this lodestone, who was imprisoned within a stature. The lodestone was kept safe down the centuries, passed on from father to son. However, the Sea Devil is released and he calls upon these other Sea Devils to help him, who had been just hanging around! Couldn't they have looked for the lodestone themselves without him? Couldn't they have released him? All it took was a little cutting with a knife.

I also find all this romantic relationship stuff boring. I'm sure there are "shippers" out there who watch solely to see more of that, but for me it is just time wasted that could have been better spent on the main story.
I'm afraid I don't think much of this episode.
I never thought you would. :LOL:
Couldn't they have released him? All it took was a little cutting with a knife.
Yes, they could have. But it's Doctor Who. It's never been brilliant with continuity, or covering all the bases. It's pure hokum, with the occasional high concept idea, and a bit of common decency. I will admit I think Chibnall could do with a firmer editor of his scripts, but on the whole I find them enjoyable.
I also find all this romantic relationship stuff boring.[...]but for me it is just time wasted that could have been better spent on the main story.
It's a strand in the overarching story. For me, the "romantic relationship stuff" is a good part of the story.

You and I have different views, and different mindsets. We rarely agree on our fiction tastes. At the end of the day, though, it is just personal taste.

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