August / September 100 Word Anonymous Challenge Discussion


Easily amused
Feb 21, 2006
Ontario, Canada
As the 300 Worder comes to a close, it is that time again for the Anonymous Challenge.
Luiglin is the current winner, and has provided me with the new Topic and Genre.
This is the thread for discussions, comments, reviews (for anyone who wishes to do so), and anything else pertinent to the challenge.
If you would like to do reviews, remember to include all submissions including your own if you've entered.
A cracker of a first story, like something from Jorge Luis Borges indeed. Set the bar high.
Dare I enter this month?
A cracker of a first story, like something from Jorge Luis Borges indeed. Set the bar high.
Dare I enter this month?

Yes, I agree, a great start to the month.

Love the topic, well done Luiglin! There are so many possibilities here , and I also love the movie which should give some food for thought.

Good luck everyone!
La ciudad de los laberintos y las tinieblas (homenaje a JLB) - aka The city of labyrinths and darkness (tribute to JLB), according to Google Translate. An atmospheric, evocative tale of the blind leading/hunting the blind in a real world labyrinth.

Worthy to Lead - when you are personally employed by a ruler, becoming ensnared in their political plots and stratagems is an unavoidable occupational hazard.
Byte Me - sometimes the only way to win is not to play, especially if your partner isn’t really keen.
La ciudad de los laberintos y las tinieblas (homenaje a JLB): Some hunts will never end.

Worthy to Lead: One test can lead to another.

Byte Me: Choose only worthy opponents.

A Task Forgotten: The work isn't done until you take care of all the details.
A Task Forgotten - it’s easy to overlook why you’re doing something in the rush to get it done.
Orc Swords - a funny, creative take on labyrinths as mazes of the mind.

Every Labyrinth Has Its Minor Tour - any experience can prove to be labyrinthine…

The Gate - human nature is both inexplicable and frequently sad. Some people still believe that there is a red, double-decker, London bus on the Moon - though admittedly Elon Musk’s car being in orbit around the Earth makes it slightly more likely.
No Trespassing: There is no prison as difficult to escape as the one inside each of us.

The Gate: People believe what they want to believe, despite the evidence.

Bullseye: Some challenges are better avoided.

The Goblin King: Evil can wear a charming mask.

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