Jeff's New Serialized Fiction Platform-Kindle Vella


Apr 19, 2021
Amazon recently launched a new service for publishing fiction in a serialized/episodic format called Kindle Vella. I'm thinking about trying it out. Might be a good way to promote yourself to new readers at the very least. Since it's still new, it appears relatively easy to get noticed. The way it works is, the first three chapters/episodes are given away free to hook readers in. Then they pay a trivial amount of money (in the form of Amazon digital scrip) for each additional chapter. Has anybody tried Vella from either a consumer or writer standpoint? If so, what are your thoughts?

Here's the intro video:
It rather depends on the thread and what its aim is, but outside of Book Search we discourage it.

A single bump for something like this is OK, especially if a week or more has elapsed and it's in a forum such as Writing Discussion where a lot happens so it's easy for a thread to get buried. But if there are no replies it rather points to the fact that either no one has information or no one has any interest in the subject matter, so there's little point in repeated bumping even if it were allowed.
I have heard of Vella (I won't say where) but I know someone who intends to try it for a YA novel. Has Vella been given a full launch yet, and if so, in which marketplaces?
I have heard of Vella (I won't say where) but I know someone who intends to try it for a YA novel. Has Vella been given a full launch yet, and if so, in which marketplaces?
Yeah it's launched and they have stories up with reader ratings and everything. I think only Americans can use it right now but I expect that to change.

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