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this way comes
Oct 14, 2018
east of gornal wood, south of weddell wynd

Write a story inspired by the chosen theme and genre in no more than 75 words, not including the title

ONE entry per person

NO links, commentary or extraneous material in the posts, please -- the stories must stand on their own


All stories Copyright 2021 by their respective authors who grant the Chronicles Network the non-exclusive right to publish them here

The complete rules can be found at RULES FOR THE WRITING CHALLENGES

Contest ends at 11:59 pm GMT, 23 June 2021
Voting ends at 11:59 pm GMT, 28 June 2021

You do not have to submit a story in order to vote
-- in fact, we encourage all Chrons members to take part in choosing a winner

The Magnificent Prize:

The Dignified Congratulations/Grovelling Admiration of Your Peers and the challenge of choosing next month's theme and genre




Science Fiction / Fantasy

This thread is to be used for entries only.

Please keep all comments to the DISCUSSION THREAD.

We invite (and indeed hope for) lively discussion and speculation about the stories as they are posted, as long as it doesn't involve the author explaining the plot

** Please do not use the "Like" button in this thread! **
Infinite Jest

The geomancer Volen and the warrior Kha were invited to court to celebrate the emperor’s name day.

“Who is that man dressed in rags who stands by the emperor?” Kha pointed with the hilt of her dagger.

“The emperor’s fool.”

“The emperor does not seem amused by his antics.”

“Indeed not. He will assassinate the emperor, when it is safe to do so. That is his job.”

“A curious custom! Why?”

“It amuses the gods.”

She placed a poultice on her husband’s chest then sat her deathwatch.

“Moira, my dying confession – I’m not Bertrand.” With a *poof* he became a goblin. “Years ago, and mad with desire for you, I evicted Bertrand, magicked into his form and assumed his life.”

*Poof*, Moira was gone. A goblin woman rasped, “Old fool, think you’d escape me that easily?”

Gnoxkrag gasped. “Grinkelza?”

Their bloodhound *poofed*.

“Bertrand?” said Gnoxkrag.

“Well, he’d nowhere to go…”
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Double Dealings At Universal Androids

“Another excellent year, Sanderson. The board couldn’t be more pleased.”


“Relax, darling. Nobody suspects a thing. R2744 does a better job than I could and we’re living wonderful lives here in Spain. It’s win-win all round. Drink?”


“More news on the recent disappearance of James Sanderson, CEO of Universal Androids, and the alleged embezzlement of millions of Euros. Interpol are reporting he’s been spotted on the Costa Del Sol and that an arrest is imminent.”
Shell Game

“Three shells, my lady, three shells. Two are empty, one is full. Watch as I switch them, left and right, middle and left. Two empty shells, one with the prize. Don’t believe me, look into their eyes …”
“... Ella …”
“I’ll switch them again, as slow as you like, is it the right that’s left or the middle that’s right? Now, my lady Ella, time to find … pick the body that holds your husband’s mind.”
Ignorance a bless

"Certain, 'at fingummy atop yore 'ead is ponderous," wheedled the hobgoblin.

"Without it I'm but a dumb horse."

"Ignorance a bless, innit? Allow me to liberate you from such cranial strain."

Indeed, the horn grew heavier with new knowledge every second. Imagine, to be a carefree stallion without the burden of a mastermind hammered into one's skull.

The last unicorn agreed to lower his head, and with his sacrifice went the secrets of the universe.
Dead Ringer

The skinwalker shuddered and stretched as it adapted to it's prey's form. She unhinged her jaw, opening and closing sharply as she mimicked the unaware humans around her. They were talking about the screams within the fog.

"Follow the screams" she hissed.

The group glanced at one another before another curdling scream echoed through the mist.

"Pray, my friends" One whimpered. "We'll never find him like this"

"Prey" she hissed again. "Nobody will find you"
The Leucrocotta

"Three quick knocks and two loud ones," the girl's mother had said. Now she heard slightly different knocks.

"Say something," the girl said.

"It's Mama," came the reply.

She unlocked the door.

It was a monster, the leucrocotta.

"Foolish child. Remember my powers?"

The girl stared as it entered. Then there was a snap and a howl. Beartrap.

The girl approached it, drawing a switchblade.

"We're going to have some fun, aren't we?" she said.
Take What You Need

"Computer, direct the humans toward the box labeled human food"

Minutes later:
"Captain, you are being hailed by the home planet, they want to acknowledge your kindness towards the Earthlings in need."
"Thank you, we'll be there as soon as we see them off."

A minute later:
"Computer, why are their vitals fading?"
"Either the box was mislabeled or they snuck out additional cargo."
I am who I am

I adore being glorified. With my whole celestial essence, I can say that there is nothing in this or any other reality quite like it.

My brethren hide their true face beneath pompous self-titled masks of their own creation. Yet, despite my trickster nature, I remain honest.

For me, you’ll betray, deceive and destroy all.

Am I to blame? No. After all, I am a simple deity. What you worship is what you get.

Gold Rush

Prehensile suckers on an unfamiliar keyboard beating a rhythm on its keys. Overhead, orbiting satellites chime in response. A message:


“Will they fall for it?” asks Tekkon.

“They won’t be able to resist,” replies Konkreet, picking the last of the captain from his beak.

The sign caught their eyes.

Come and see the wonders of the universe, creatures and artefacts beyond imagination.

They entered; the place was filled with old museum pieces and a couple of caged cats.

“Let’s go, it's a con”

“We can’t leave those poor animals here"

With a blink of an eye they were in the cage, looking out at themselves.

“Meow" they screamed as their bodies walked out.

One looked back. “Stupid humans"

The planet beckoned, green, blue, utterly perfect.

‘Really?’ the captain said, then, mesmerised, he ordered all the usual evaluations, but in his heart he knew: this was it!

The jaded crew sprang into life, the weary colonists danced in joy, and the shuttles began to leave the battered ship. Settlements were soon built, families begun, and futures were planned.

Extending a thousand-mile eyestalk, it stared, then, satisfied, the world happily opened it’s vast mouth.
Turning the tables

Coyote looked at his reflection.
“I’m not sure. Do you think it suits me?” he asked.
“Of course,” replied Great Bear. “The orange really brings out the twinkle in your mysterious dark eyes. And the cut of the gillet really POPS against your colouring.”
“Not too bright?”
“Not at all. You’re Coyote. You need to make a statement!”
And a big target! That’ll teach you to sleep with my wife, thought Great Bear.
The Guild

Salesman of the month for six straight months.

Sell hard, play hard, screw everyone! That’s my motto.
Another juicy day, but it’s late and I gotta split.

The office lights flicker and fail.

Out of the gloom a sharp suited demon saunters up to my desk.

‘Your in.’ It whispers and flips me a business card.

Andrealphus Jr (Fallen Angel)
Senior Recruitment Consultant

Guild of Tricksters

Join the Elite.
Estate Agents; Salesmen; Stockbrokers; Lawyers; Politicians ...

Mystery Incarnate

Devin’s eyes closed on his sobbing, soon-to-be widow.
They reopened to a lurid, stifling, hi-tech office, into which an obscene rabbit / lizard crossbreed dashed, grinning maniacally.
“Okay, what next? Cat, dog… politician?”

Devin goggled. “What… are you? The devil?”
'It' frowned. “…except you’ve heard of him. I really did convince the world I didn’t exist!”

'It' winked, pressed a button, and Devin reawakened screaming… as a baby bird in a twiggy nest.
The Bloody Banquet

The King guffawed when his wife spat out the onion soup, exclaiming it tasted of boiled socks. But laughter turned to anger upon discovering that his favourite dessert now had the flavour of cabbage.

His fool was dragged before him, and confessed that he'd only wanted to disprove court gossip that the royal family had absolutely no taste whatsoever.

The headsman soon showed him the error of his ways; the other courtiers followed shortly afterwards.
The Devil is in the Detail (or Did You Ever Wonder Where Those Good Ideas Come from?)


Julian materialised and was immediately struck by the intense heat.

“What the…” Acrid smoke made him cough.

“Wonderful! My teleporter design works.” The horned man sitting on a throne opposite grinned. “Welcome to Hell, Julian.”

Dumbstruck, Julian stared. Was that a pitchfork?

“And get this: For every sundered soul delivered to me, a soulless person will arrive at the intended destination. Nice touch, eh?”

“W-w-why here and not Heaven?”

“Counts as suicide dear chap.”
Telephone game

The Snake-man’s face glowered down from the viewscreen. “Surrender your ships and we’ll spare your colony.”

“Fine!” Susan said. “Coordinates sent.”

Snake-man sneered. “Very well.” He signed off.

“You’ve betrayed us!” said Murray.

Susan smiled. “I too have a forked tongue. Coordinates point to a distant quasar.”

“Oh? And the others?”

“Third planet from Sol. A celestial backwater but they’ll call it home.

The Snake-men evaporated humanity’s last colony.

Starships, Eve and Adam, silently escaped.

I knew Valenkoff was a crook, living well beyond his apparent means.
Each morning I searched his landed shuttle for contraband. Upholstery, frame, engine bay. I even used a magnet to check for gold components painted to look like steel. Nothing.

I got a call from personnel.

"Could you work the customs night shift? Rymann is sick today."


22:00 hours. Schmitt's shuttle rolls up for departure formalities.
There, in the passenger seat, was Valenkoff.
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