Looking for short story book

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
(This is a test thread, to try out the new Q&A answer format and up/down voting of replies - to see if it might work in the Book Search section. You are welcome to have fun with it. :) )

I remember reading a book of short stories once. It was very good. I don't remember much about it. The cover had red and blue on it, I think, with red toward the top and blue toward the bottom of the cover. I read it a few years ago.
I think I might have read that one, too! ;)

I've up-voted, but I see I can change my mind and down-vote later, which could be interesting! I think I'll end up only using the "Sort by date"option, though, to avoid confusion!

EDIT: that's disappointing -- I can't up-vote my own post!
"Red" and "Blue" are characters in the book This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
The cover features a red cardinal above a blue bird of some kind.

While this is a novel and not a short story collection the episodic nature might be considered a sort of collection of shorts.
However, it's probably also too recent.
Did the blue lagoon have a red wheelbarrow? You know, so much depends upon a red wheelbarrow ...
I think it was this one. It has red and blue bits and the stories are very short, usually one word.
Hope this helps.

I had a blue and red book of short stories. Put me to sleep, reading by the pool side.

By the time I woke up and fished the book out of the water, the cover was entirely a sort of monochrome puce.

Took me a bit to find the up/down votes, off on the right margin. (I started looking in the same old reaction bar)

I'm a bit disconcerted that the count is anonymous. I rather enjoy knowing whom I have amused and whom I have annoyed.
I'm a bit disconcerted that the count is anonymous. I rather enjoy knowing whom I have amused and whom I have annoyed.
Aah, but that way vendettas can arise, passed down through the generations from father to son, mother to daughter until the end of time when humanity exists as nothing but up-arrows and down-arrows :unsure:

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