DISCUSSION THREAD -- April 2021 300 Word Writing Challenge (#41)

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
And this quarter's thread is open, with a very distinctive image for our inspiration! (We were thinking of having on a big blank box as it was April 1st...) 300 Word Writing Challenge #41 -- READ FIRST POST!!

As always, the Challenge thread is closed until the 10th, but this thread is open for discussion, comment and general praise of the mods.

Good luck everyone!
I like it! I think this is one for me where actively considering story ideas won't work too well, so I'll let it swirl around in the dark recesses, and see what happens.
Now, a big blank box - I could do wonders with that! ;) Good luck all, CC
Is it considered cheating to kinda serialize off other stories we’ve submitted to the challenges?
As long as the story is SF, fantasy or other speculative fiction and the inspiration comes from the image provided (and as long as you're using your own stories, of course) that's fine. In the 300s I've done three stories based on Jack and J Daw and though I've tried to make the sequels standalones, they do make more sense if the original has been read. Though, obviously, not everyone will remember a story from several months ago so you can't count on voters having prior knowledge of characters and plot -- it's therefore best to ensure the story can be understood on its own terms.

The only exception to re-using or having a sequel is that in the 300s you can't draw on a story from a 75 worder that's current, since it would give that 75 an advantage by being explained or expanded, but once voting on the relevant 75 worder is over, then it can be used ie a story written for April's 75 can be used in April's 300 Challenge provided it isn't posted there until 29th April at the earliest ie after normal voting has ended. (But if the 75 worder is in contention in a tie-break, which ordinarily wouldn't finish until just before midnight GMT on the 30th, it couldn't be posted at all in April's or October's 300s as the 300 Challenge would be closed at the same moment.)
As long as the story is SF, fantasy or other speculative fiction and the inspiration comes from the image provided (and as long as you're using your own stories, of course) that's fine.
Thats an interesting allowance, one might even say ‘loop hole’ to a way of fitting more story in to the word count allowed. Not having to explain character’s motivations for example, as they are already familiar to some members. I’m guessing the same is allowed for the 75 as I’ve always enjoy @Luiglin Dark Lord stuff (RIP or will he do a Superman) for that reason, but if I’m honest, I wouldn’t vote for those stories for the same reason. Unless of course one unquestionably deserved it.
Thats an interesting allowance, one might even say ‘loop hole’ to a way of fitting more story in to the word count allowed. Not having to explain character’s motivations for example, as they are already familiar to some members. I’m guessing the same is allowed for the 75 as I’ve always enjoy @Luiglin Dark Lord stuff (RIP or will he do a Superman) for that reason, but if I’m honest, I wouldn’t vote for those stories for the same reason. Unless of course one unquestionably deserved it.
I did the Dark Lord stuff more for my own amusement than to garner votes. Remember, I did do a whole year of Dark Lord 75s, whatever the genre or theme... and yes, I still class the Dark Lord as the cause of the cataclysmic event that wiped out the Dinosaurs as being historical fiction.

However, I do understand that by doing so I did take huge liberties. Other 75s are standalone stories and I tried to make sure that the Dark Lord tales did the same. They did stretch the point though by having a consistent cast. I'm also aware that they were very much marmite tales.

As I said though, they were primarily to help me flesh him out (just over 50k into a novel with him now and other two WiPs from other characters in the same world at 40k and 25k).

If they made people smile then great, that was the bonus for me and not a tick on a radio button :) (not saying that I didn't appreciate any ticks folks, all egos like to be stroked).

So, my advice @JS Wiig is to give it a try but not as a direct sequel(s) and don't expect votes. Then again, you're probably a way better writer than me and may well manage to pull it off :)

EDIT: and yes, the Dark Lord will not be seen on the Chrons again. So all can breathe a sigh of relief. That is unless either this site or I'm still here in 200-300 years time when the stars are aligned, a ring is found or some other fantasy trope occurs and he gets resurrected.
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Thats an interesting allowance, one might even say ‘loop hole’ to a way of fitting more story in to the word count allowed. Not having to explain character’s motivations for example, as they are already familiar to some members. I’m guessing the same is allowed for the 75 as I’ve always enjoy @Luiglin Dark Lord stuff (RIP or will he do a Superman) for that reason, but if I’m honest, I wouldn’t vote for those stories for the same reason. Unless of course one unquestionably deserved it.
Not a loophole as it was always foreseen and allowed for -- it's there in the Rules, and the reason why a 75 worder can't be used in a concurrent 300 worder. Word count wise it's not going to affect the 300s much, and the gaps between the quarterly Challenges are such that it's unlikely voters will remember any one story in any detail, so any advantage is likely to be miniscule. And while word count is more challenging in the 75s and it's easier to remember from one month to the next, I really don't think it adds any great benefit there, either. Stories stand and fall on their own merits, vanishingly rarely on their association with a previous story.
After overcoming the disappointment of it not being pyan's tinfoil hedgehog, I'm really quite pleased with this month's inspiration for the challenge.
Enough so that I've managed to come up with an idea; I think I've got all the words I need, now I just have to put them in the right order...
It's all going a bit Rorschach, and not in a Watchmen kinda way.
I think this is a great picture, something different to anything we have had in the past, opening up a wealth of possibilities and ideas.

I am really looking forward to what people come up with!

Needless to say, I've broken with the last few 300 challenges of not writing something until the last minute and have my story ready to go!
For seventy-five words? Ah, no, three hundred. That's still a mighty small dictionary - only slightly more words than I know in Polish.

Dictionaries are like a magic spell book; the secrets of the universe (well a best-selling novel at any rate) are contained within. All you have to do is crack the code. Perhaps there's an idea for a book there Dan Brown?
