Magazine Submissions

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
With the start of a new year, it's time for another submission call for short stories for Kraxon Magazine | Science fiction and fantasy magazine from Kraxon Publishing

To recap Kraxon's requirements:

Genre – Science Fiction, Fantasy and all and any related sub-genres​
Length – 1,050 (+/- 50) words excluding the title​
Maturity rating – Family friendly​
Payment – £60 GBP​

By now some of you may be wondering what I'm doing here in place of Glitch aka The Kraxon King. You can discount the conspiracy theories about judicial takeovers or whatever else your fevered imaginations can supply.** It's simply that Glitch is manically busy at present so I'll be helping out for a while by dealing with submissions and some of the preliminary work involved in getting the stories from your pen to the Kraxon website.

And I heard that collective intake of breath...


I'm only sifting the submissions with (I hope!) help from TheDustyZebra; I shan't be doing the editing... ;)

Anyhow, more general information can be found about what is wanted on the submissions page - Submissions - Kraxon Magazine

Submissions should be sent to and by some miracle of modern technology they will get through to me. However, since submissions are restricted to Chronners save in very exceptional circumstances, if I don't happen to know you by your real name it would help if you could PM me when you've submitted, so I can marry up Chron names to the submissions.

We don't have anything lined up for February as yet, despite my chivvying of some Chronners already, so get writing, but I'd be best pleased if there are no stories about viruses, pandemics or anything that brings the real world too close!

Any questions or comments or just general applause, go right ahead here.

** But such fevered imaginations can be getting a 1,000 word story written, so keep fevering!
Just bumping this to say I'm delighted at the number and quality of submissions that have come through to me in the last 7 weeks, and we've enough to see us through to late summer/early autumn!

I'm still hoping for more stories to come through to me as the year progresses, but since most of those submitted so far have been SF-based, I'd really like some fantasy, to give a mix. SF is still welcome, of course -- the sole criterion for acceptance is a Chronner having a thumping good story! -- but SF is likely to get a place in late autumn/winter, whereas fantasy might get pushed in ahead of that.
In case anyone is interested, at present** I do check my Kraxon in-tray every day, usually mid-morning UK time, and I try and get stuff dealt with asap after I've picked it up, as I know to my cost the problem of letting the To-Do folder build up. Also, having been on the other side of the submissions process, I thought it was better for everyone to hear back sooner rather than later, whether for good or ill.

I would just confirm, though, that I do read everything that comes in, and I read thoroughly as well as quickly -- legal training comes in useful at times! -- and every story is treated on its own merits. As I'm only helping Glitch out in the submissions process, I can't give any feedback on stories which I don't think are a good fit for Kraxon, hence the form rejection, but of course since only Chronners are invited to submit, anyone who submits can always put their story, or part of it, up in Critiques or Writing Group subsequently to get feedback there.

Actually, while I'm here, I would urge everyone to get their story critiqued from a writing buddy before submitting to me or anywhere else. As many of you will know, I'm currently writing the 2021 serial for Kraxon, and this year, as with the two previous years, before getting the episodes formally edited, I send each one to my long-suffering writing group for help, so I can find out what works in the story and more importantly what doesn't. Such feedback is invaluable, so don't neglect it. (But don't put the story up here in Critiques or Writing Group before submitting, as that would count as being published and so the story wouldn't be accepted for Kraxon under the usual terms. Get the pre-submission feedback privately.)

** thanks to Covid and lockdown. As and when I'm free to, y'know, actually go somewhere, daily viewing might slip into every-other-day.
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Oh, we're well into 2022 now!

There are still vacancies from May through to November (I've already got a proposal for a Christmassy tale for December 2022 courtesy of @Serendipity !!) though at present there are two consecutive SFs in the list so if I got another fantasy that might get pushed into April to split them.

But although I'm not thinking of putting out another submissions call quite yet, I'll certainly gobble up all and any great stories which come my way, so if you've got something and you don't mind the wait, send it over!
Oh, we're well into 2022 now!

There are still vacancies from May through to November (I've already got a proposal for a Christmassy tale for December 2022 courtesy of @Serendipity !!) though at present there are two consecutive SFs in the list so if I got another fantasy that might get pushed into April to split them.
Bah! Humbug!
Totally forgot about this. I sent something ages ago and haven't heard anything. There is a huge posibility I either forgot to send it entirely or it got gobbled up as I have a yahoo account. (Or it was crap and you didn't like to say! :ROFLMAO: )
I've not seen hide nor hair of it!

When you say "ages ago" it was this year, was it? If it was before I came on board to help Glitch out, then it may be it's got lost in his in-box -- I don't have access to anything sent before 8 January.

Anyhow, try sending it again, and we'll see if it arrives this time!
Is that the one I beta'd for you?
No, I was on a mad writing splurge and wrote a whole two stories. Heh. Not done anything with the one I sent you, yet.

I've not seen hide nor hair of it!

When you say "ages ago" it was this year, was it? If it was before I came on board to help Glitch out, then it may be it's got lost in his in-box -- I don't have access to anything sent before 8 January.

Anyhow, try sending it again, and we'll see if it arrives this time!

Yeah this year but I can't remember when. I'll just go check to see whether I actually did send it...

edit: I did send it! Couldn't find it myself for a minute then. Sent it 1st April. Shall I still resend?
Ooooooh, so here's the thing... Looks like I put a typo in the email address (shorts.subs) so that'll be why you didn't get it. I'm a doofus, sorry. Weirdly never got a bounced message though so I wonder where that ended up!
It's arrived safely this time!

I might not get round to reading it this evening, but if not, I'll definitely make time for it tomorrow!

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