(Found) Short Story in Anthology about aliens trading advanced technology for paint.

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New Member
Dec 14, 2020
Most likely paperback late 70's or early 80's. Aliens from another dimension with high technology devices that trade for the concept of paint which they had never considered. i looked through Dangerous Visions edited by Ellison and an Arbor House collection. A Hugo Award winner anthology maybe?

Thanks in advance.
Well, I've read it - about half a century ago. It feels like a Simak short, Big Front Yard perhaps?
The summaries I can find appear to confirm. Thank you so much for your help. And, yes, it was probably about 40-50 years ago. How time flies.
Another possibility:

Nothing For Nothing, by Isaac Asimov.

Aliens arrive on a primitive planet, implied to be Earth's stone age.
The humans show their paintings to the aliens. That is, primitive paintings of animals on cave walls.
The aliens have 3 dimensional holograms, and abstract art, but have never considered 2 dimensional representative art.

The aliens' law states they must not take anything without giving something in return. (The nothing for nothing of the title)
They want to take the concept of painting back home but must leave something in exchange.

(I won't tell you what they gave, I don't want to spoil the ending)
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