The Matrix Resurrections (2021)

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
I didn't even realize there was a new Matrix film coming out - but am surprised to not be able to find any official trailer (just the usual slew of fake ones on YouTube).

Is there actually a trailer yet, or is this all just part of the marketing by revealing nothing?
The Matrix: Reloaded and Revolutions were something of a let down after the phenomenal original. I doubt i'll go to the cinema to watch it.
Looks great [but don't they always]. I love the version of White Rabbit. It sound so much like Jefferson Airplane, just more epic... Now I can't wait for the OST.
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I think it will be a good action rather than a great film, but definitely piques my interest. It wont be groundbreaking like the original but could be comparable to the other sequels.
Keanu's John Wick film series success may have propelled making this one forward.
It's really funny I liked the first one, however the sequels didn't live up to the first.
This one has piqued my interest, but I will wait quite a while before I'll watch it.
The full official trailer was shown at the cinema before No Time To Die.

Synopsis for film here:

In this explosive final chapter of the Matrix trilogy, Neo, Morpheus and Trinity battle to defend Zion, the last real-world city, against the onslaught of the machines that have enslaved the human race. And, now as Neo learns more about his heroic powers--including the ability to see the codes of things and the people, he faces the consequences of the choice made in The Matrix.

This is something I will see at the cinema, but the trailer didn't inspire me much. The trailer showed Neo forgetting everything he knew, and the only music played was Jefferson Starship's White Rabbit. No Lawrence Fishbourne! I agree with a re-watch of the earlier films and will get on to that soon.
The trailer makes it look as if it’s targetted at a new audience rather than the Matrix older generation.

It makes sense to have Neo forget so the audience can learn along with him. But us older ones already know what’s going on

I’ll probably give the cinema release a miss but might watch it later if the reviews are any good.
I must admit, the trailer is an absolute knockout. Using Grace Slick's White Rabbit song, and them "cinematising" it half way through was just genius (I love when they do that, like with Radiohead' Decks Dark in the Artemis Fowl teaser, and also Bowie's Starman in Lightyear). We will definitely see this one in the cinema.
I think it is one that ought to be seen on the "big screen", which is exactly what cinema's need right now to survive. As far as the franchise goes, having just re-watched the earlier films, we don't need another film. They already ran out of story to tell, and humans had brokered a peace deal with machines. What number version of the Matrix will we be up to now? I'll watch it for the "spectacle" but they can never recapture the "blown away" feeling of watching the original.
I braved Covid-19 and saw this today. I give it my blessing. Worth seeing. It's now a love story. First, the spoilers:

So, there was a peace brokered between humans and machines. A peace of sorts. The machines, without any source of power, fought among themselves in a civil war. Humans and machines built a new city of Io together, and humans and machines live together there. However, many humans didn't want to leave the Matrix and a new version was rebooted. This version was purged of many of the old programs, and as exiles, these programs, such as The Merovingian, would quite like to get back in too.

Neo and Trinity, although they had died, were resurrected by some very clever medical machines and put back into the Matrix by The Analyst, the architect of this new version. When Neo and Trinity are apart, apparently there is no electricity between them, but when they are together, that chemistry makes lots of power for the machines. Special new pods were designed for them by The Architect and his wife, who gave details of there design to their daughter. When The Analyst found out about this deceit he had them erased. Their daughter still holds a grudge against him for this.

This new version is set in our present day, although the real time that has passed is longer, 50 or 60 years. The Matrix can be entered via mirrors now, rather than having to dial telephones. Morbius is still dead, but Neo, as Thomas Anderson. re-created him as a modal program to try to remind himself once again. Agents have been replaced by Bots who can be anyone anywhere. Agent Smith exists as Thomas Anderson's business partner and head of the company he works for. The Analyst is his analyst. Trinity is married with kids.

We find Thomas Anderson is the world renowned creator of a trilogy of extremely life-like Matrix games at the turn of the century, that are still remembered with affection today. The company he works for is now a subsidiarity of Warner Brothers, who want to make a sequel. This plot obviously leads to a lot of fun during the focus group sessions.

Thomas Anderson himself is on medication (blue pills) because he has in the past believed his game was real and even tried to fly by jumping off a building. There is a lot of fun in the first half of the film with names and situations. The analyst's black cat is called Deja Vu, and the cafe where several scenes take place is called Simulatte. He is contacted by "Morbius" and a new ship's captain character.

Despite the fun, I thought the film only got better in the second half, when Neo becomes aware once again that his life isn't real. He then has the option to free Trinity as well, forcing another new reboot of the Matrix, and a possible new war, or else returning to the Matrix voluntarily. Obviously, they find an option 3 instead.

I also wondered, is she "Trinity" because she is the third person (after Neo and Smith) (other than it's programmers) to be able to manipulate the Matrix code?

*If I misunderstood any of that plot, then sorry, the blame lies entirely with myself.
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We bought Resurrections yesterday on Apple (it was only $ 5 more than renting it).
It was a frustrating watch at times. I enjoyed most of the performances, and the odd spin on the concept / story, but I felt it was hampered by quality issues. The fight choreography was nowhere near as good as the first 3. Nor was the soundtrack much cop, score AND songs - aside from White Rabbit, there was nothing to lift the material, and it certainly missed some upbeat tracks for the fight scenes. Also, the SFX weren't a patch on the first 3. The ships looked cheap, as did the sentinels. It just didn't have that gritty, real feeling like the originals did.

All that being said, I did enjoy the movie and would be keen to see a continuation, but just with a lot more focus and better set-pieces. But on the basis the film's box office performance, I very much doubt they will greenlight a sequel.
I finally got around to watching this and i wanted to like it, i really did. I thought it had a great soundtrack and special effects were good. The cast was pretty strong and I enjoyed the characters well enough. The movie itself was just a bit silly and dare i say that the edits of scenes from the original movies felt a lot like fan service and overall felt like a bit of a cash grab.

I think they should've left Neo and Trinity dean and created a new story with the new characters.
The first half an hour of this was a limp and somewhat silly way to have neo and co to return. It definitely improved and got quite entertaining but nothing amazing. Then the end was a bit of a damp squib.
I wasn’t clear what happened to Agent Smith towards the end.
I watched Dune the same day on a flight and that was much better. Both cool but Dune also has some substance and good actors.
Just watched this, and quite liked it. I didn't read it as fan service as much as the director, crew and actors revisiting what they had done 20 years ago and writing a love note to it. Instead of the same-old stretched thin by aging actors (Indiana Jones) or re-boots (Star Trek), Resurrections is a post-script that fixes some of the thin plot and tragedy of the original trilogies and lets the MC's love exist as more than biographical data.

So I saw the film as romantic in its approach to both the subject and characters. And I thought it was well done, well edited, well acted and generally entertaining.

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