DISCUSSION THREAD -- December 2020 75 Word Writing Challenge

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
December's Challenge thread is open, courtesy of last month's winner, Parson!

Theme: The New King
Genre: Speculative Fiction

It's perhaps not widely known but the mods always check with a winner as to the proposed theme and genre, so that we can tweak things if necessary, since we're anxious to try and ensure the Challenges aren't too limited. (And are family-friendly!) In this instance Parson's first choice was "The New King's Star". After some discussion in the Staff Room we thought that might be a little too restrictive, since it required three story elements and with only 75 words to play with that might be one too many -- and since we want as many entrants as possible, we prefer to make things a little easier for everyone, while still keeping it as a Challenge, of course. Consequently, the theme was changed slightly, to "The New King".

However, if anyone wants to prove the mods wrong, and take on the extra Challenge of bringing a star for the new king into the story, you'll doubtless make Parson very happy!!

So there we are. Good luck everyone!
I don't think I've ever entered on the first day before but the idea arrived ready-packaged and I thought 'why not?'.

I think I have once and in fact it was the first entry. Certainly not more than twice, so this is a rarity for me too.
One of these days I'm gonna post my story before the competition's even been posted.

I know what you mean, Ashleyne. I had promised myself yesterday I'd wait at least a week before posting, and here it is, 5pm my time. It just pulls you in, the possibility of posting, *sigh*...

I've enjoyed the entries so far; I went in a different direction with mine ... hope it works. Good luck, all (other than we 6 posters) in writing your entries this month, CC
The New King? I can Dark Lord that. I need some writing to bring a small to my face... and hopefully a couple of others :)

Edit: 2005 posts? Now to find the 2000 entry. I cling to a hope that the post had wit, wisdom and profound commentary, but knowing me, most likely not.

Edit edit: Aha found it and indeed, such a well crafted beauty of a post.

Just remember, always keep an eye out over your shoulder 'cause you'll never know when the word ninja will strike.

Although looking at this months 75, I suspect never.

I thank you a s';lkflw e';asdlfg ;ldfz';hlkf #' f < takes a bow and hits face on keyboard.
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Congrats on the 2,000! Are you going to honour ancient custom and put up a piece in Critiques to celebrate?!
Is that a custom? I didn't realise. Ok, I'll dig something out from the collected tales I'm working on :)
It was primarily for those of us doing more writing than only the Challenges, who might be putting work up in Critiques in any event, by way of commemorating the 000 milestones, but it's rather fallen by the wayside over the last few years. But that doesn't mean Luiglin can escape its clutches now!
@Ashleyne .... Seal of the Sovereign .... Ashleyne reminds us that the weight of the crown is heavy indeed, and that's to say nothing of the attendant sorrow.

@Victoria Silverwolf .... Noblesse Oblige .... Victoria channels Ronald Reagan, "The government that governs least, governs best."
*First entry with a star.

@mosaix .... Reluctance .... Mosaix brings forth a test that I wish all Presidents, Prime Ministers, and other executive leaders could pass. But I'm afraid the Bible says it best "For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

@jd73 .... Subtle Feelings .... Jd writes a kingly tale for the times, short times. That's all there is on Tik Tok.

@Peter V .... A Gift Fit for a King .... Peter V really catches the soul of a tyrant: "Nobody counts but me." (Insert leader of choice here as an example to demonstrate this truth.)
**Second entry with a star.

@Cat's Cradle .... "The Fierce Urgency of Now" .... The Cat's story points to the true character of one who is truly a "King." It's a story for our times.

@Ian Fortytwo .... Nobody wants to be a King and what happens when they do become King .... Perhaps Ian writes a parable filled with truth in a very few lines.

@Danny McG .... TK Event .... Danny holds out the truth that death and life are part of the same package.
***Third entry with a star.

Wow! are we off to a wonderful start! Nine stories and each of them a "Cracker Jack" in their own right. The bar is set high people, we'd best get a running start if we are to clear it.

Per @The Judge
I am happy for three stars.
