Dinosaurs over London


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
Ok, this is driving me mad now... Read a short story around 20 years ago, where flying dinosaur like creatures appear over victorian London, and some nice gentlemen shoot them down... I checked through all my magazines and collections, but just couldn't find it. HELP.
I think the end of Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World had a dinosaur flying over some city in England but don’t think anyone shot it down.
Sounds like the beginning of a fairly recent series of Dr. Who-- except it was a T-Rex, not a tyrannosaurus.
I think the end of Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World had a dinosaur flying over some city in England but don’t think anyone shot it down.
It was London (I looked it up last night, because it's the only story I could recall reading that had a pterosaur flying over England), but as there was only the one creature, I don't recall it being shot down** and the story was a novel not a short story, I thought it was probably not what SteelRat was trying to remember.

** - To quote the Wikipedia article on the book:
The pterodactyl, in the confusion, makes its escape and is witnessed several times at different locations around London, causing consternation wherever it goes, but is last seen heading off to the southwest in the probable direction of its home.
I remember seeing an advert for a book which had dragons flying and fighting over Victorian London, written about 2000, and being shot at. I never read it and I have no idea now what it was called, but if it was dragons rather than flying dinosaurs then I imagine that there are probably quite a few books that would fit.
Jonathan Green wrote a steampunk series (novels and short stories) called Pax Britannia in which dinosaurs escaped into Victorian London. I wonder if it was one of those?

Nor are icthiosaurs and plesiosaurs, technically speaking.
