I wouldn't want a 14th Doctor. In my opinion we need an alternate sequel to the original classic era with a new 9th Doctor, set in an alternate universe. We can still have the new who Doctors crossing over into this universe for the odd crossover, like DC Comics with their earth 1 and earth 2 stuff, but we need a new clean slate after the Timeless Children, Missy, Cyber Brig and so on.
I think this is the way to go for the franchise. We get multiple sequels to the classic era, with the classic era being the one, true canon. It's up to you to decide which if any of the sequels is the true sequel, but all the sequels take place in the same multiverse. (Though even then I'd write Jodie out of the new who universe, as she messes up New Who as a show in its own right.)
Personally I'd prefer an animated Doctor Who series. That could be quite a good way of breaking people into the idea of a new universe, and making it more sci fi and less soap opera like the revival.
As for who I'd cast as the 9th Doctor in either live action or animation I'd go for.
Julian Barratt, a British actor best known for starring in The Mighty Boosh would make a great Doctor. Julian has that Patrick Troughton quality to him, the scruffy, eccentric, bumblingish quality, but he could bring a lot new to it as well.
Julian Richings who is best known for playing Death in Supernatural, I think would bring a real Hartnellesque quality to it. He'd capture the age, wisdom and gravitas of the character.
Robert Carlyle would also be a really crazy, Tom Baker style Doctor.