Hoo boy, gonna have to hold back some here......
As a somewhat former Star Wars fan, these Disney "sequels" shattered what love I had for SW in a way I didn't think was possible.
Way back when The Force Awakens came out, I had a low expectations going into the film, which I waited almost until the end of it's theatrical run to even see (something that never happened with any of the six previous films). Yet still, a part of me was excited to see what they came up with. Almost halfway through the movie, I wondered why it felt like I was watching some sort of generic, forgettable Sci Fi film with Star Wars ideas and names slapped onto it. Once the Death Star version 3.0 came in, I just wanted the movie to be over with. I even considered walking out I was so bored. What was this I was feeling for a freakin' STAR WARS film??? Why couldn't I get into this?
After the movie ended, I left the theater and tried to figure just what the hell I had wasted my money on. I couldn't lie to myself and say that I enjoyed the movie at all, on any level, yet I so desperately wanted to. I felt like I was betrayed somehow. I do not have a poor attention span by any means, and I paid it in full to the movie. Yet try as it may, the movie just felt completely unnecessary to me. I couldn't understand why people were praising it so much. I mean, sure, yeah, practical effects, big whoop....but where was the story? Why were the characters so paper thin and over idealized? How come even Han and Leia didn't seem like Han and Leia? And just what the heck was the First Order and what did they really want, beyond just 'herp derp to rule da galaxy'? And, worst of all, if Luke didn't want to be found (the reasons we were given for this were so poorly presented that I won't even get into them), why did he leave a secret map in R2 in the first place? And why did the newer characters (especially Rey) feel more like they were there to make a statement than to be actual, real characters that we could somehow relate to, despite all the lightsabers and space explosions?
I remember engaging in dialogue with people who liked the movie, which included some die hard SW fans and not just the casual moviegoer. Many of them really enjoyed the movie, especially prequel haters (which I am not and never was). Right before The Last Jedi came out, I talked with many people about TFA and what I hoped TLJ would answer. The sequel would set things straight, right? Right?!!
Well, a day after TLJ hit theaters, I spoke with probably ten-fifteen people who saw it, and not one of them had a good thing to say. The first guy to give me his feedback enjoyed TFA, yet he said TLJ ruined that for even him. Then others reported the same thing, that TLJ was terrible and ultimately pretty lackluster. Others even told me it was enough for them to not even care about SW anymore. Still, though my expectations were low, I rented TLJ from Redbox and sat down with one of my friends to give it a shot. I'm not one to hate a movie based on others opinions, but TLJ was an unwatchable mess almost from the beginning. During the viewing, we tried to slog through it with alcohol (and maybe some weed), hoping that even though it seemed to be getting worse with it's lack of direction, maybe we could at least laugh at it. I think the Leia flying through space scene (which I had heard about beforehand and hoped was a lie) was where my friend and I began gradually talking about our frustrations with how health insurance is handled in America. Here we were, watching a supposed "SW" film, and we turned into a bunch of old farts complaining about the government! Eventually we lost total interest in the film and turned it off to watch Metal videos or something of the sort.
By the time Rise of Skywalker came out, I didn't give a *blank* anymore! I was NOT paying to see it, not even to Redbox, and when I did finally watch a crappy torrent online ("hey kids, here's Lando and Palpatine because we're desperate and have no coherent narrative"), I got halfway through it and just really didn't care. I tried to finish watching it in 15 minute increments, but to no avail. I didn't care about any of these "characters", and even the ones I did care about (Lando, the Droids, Chewie) just felt shoehorned in. All I was remember was "They Fly NowTheyFlyNowTHEYFLYNOW". Ugh!
Sorry to be so long winded, but these "sequels" make the teenage nerd in me rage. No film that calls itself Star Wars should take a back seat to boring adult talk about Blue Cross & Blue Shield over Signa for health care. Yet that's what happened.