Children's fantasy book: Erik Linklater, "The Wind on the Moon" (1944)


a better poet than swordsman
May 17, 2019
Anyone else read this when you were young? I must have read it when I was seven or eight, and adored it. (Indeed, it has remained probably my favorite children's book, along with Sandburg's Rootabaga Tales, and I still have my childhood copies of both.) Reading it to my daughter a few years ago reminded me of how good -- and funny -- it really is. Highly recommended. The Wind on the Moon - Wikipedia
It's beautifully written. I'm surprised, I thought that this board being so British-heavy, more would have read it in childhood. It did win the Carnegie Medal. And it's been reprinted by NYRB books (which is kind of like the Criterion Collection of literature).
I do have a couple of the NYRB books in that line (The Box of Delights, which I have owned in another edition for many, many years but wanted it unabridged so treated myself the Christmas before last, and Krabat which I had not been aware of before), and have intended to buy more, but they tend to be a bit pricey so I haven't followed up on that so far.
I liked it very much age 10 when I came across it in a library, but was disappointed when I re-read it a few years ago.

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