Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark


I have my very own plant pot!
Jan 4, 2018
North-east England
This book is billed as a look at how artificial intelligence will affect “crime, war, justice, jobs, society and our very sense of being human”. The author, Max Tegmark, is a physicist and M.I.T. professor, so you can be sure he’s got the brains and experience to give a good survey of current AI research and ground his predictions on a firm, scientific footing.

Funny, then, that there is almost no science anywhere in this book. In fact, it would be more accurate to call this a work of speculative fiction that uses a gloss of science-babble to give a veneer of rationality to wild bouts of fantasy. In other words, it’s like a Star Trek episode where people start talking about “positronic-phase-shifting” to explain why an alien can walk through walls.

Take, for example, Tegmark’s discussion about how we might ensure that a future, super-intelligent AI will share our goals (and not just destroy humanity on a whim). Tegmark states, “to figure out what people really want, you can’t merely go by what they say. You also need a detailed model of the world… Once we have such a world model, we can often figure out what people want even if they don’t tell us, simply by observing their goal-oriented behavior.” (p.261)

Sounds straightforward enough, right? But stop and think a moment. Wow. I mean, WOW! Never mind the fact that I had a conversation that sounded exactly like this sometime in the early 90s in the back of a bus in L.A. with a guy who was stoned out of his gourd. The very idea that we just casually come up with “a detailed model of the world” is the kind of sci-fi story device that went out of style in 2009 when Wall Street bankers crashed the world economy by assuming they had mathematical models that described pretty much everything. The result, as we all know, was that they nearly broke the concept of money itself.

So, coming up with a detailed model of the world sufficient for a complete understanding of human goals? Science fiction.

And take heart, sci-fi fans, there are plenty of more traditional sci-fi elements to Life 3.0. Chapters 5 and 6 are the most obvious in this respect, with the clue being that Chapter 5 deals with the next 10,000 years of human/AI development, while Chapter 6 cover the next billion and beyond (give Tegmark credit for ambition). Here, Tegmark pushes into a post-human world in which consciousness has been uploaded to machines and seeks to expand into the universe. He speculates about different types of relationships between humans and AI, going through a list that includes headings such as Benevolent Dictator, Zookeeper and half-a-dozen other episode titles from the original series of Star Trek. Tegmark also discusses the likelihood of encountering alien intelligences and delves into the ability of advanced AI to harvest massive amounts of energy from entire stars, black holes, sphalerizers (google it–I’m not going to explain it here) and even the entire energy content of the whole universe.

The problem with the book is, of course, that it isn’t intended as science fiction. Tegmark is trying to call attention to serious issues that humanity needs to grapple with before we develop artificial intelligences that are smarter than us. He brushes up against several important topics, such as a good definition of intelligence or, separately, of consciousness, and he gives an interesting, near-future scenario of how a super-intelligent AI might first appear in our world. But Tegmark’s aspirations are constantly undermined by a lax and shifting use of definitions, poor examples and, to a degree, being overly ambitious.

For example, early in the book, Tegmark defines intelligence as the “ability to accomplish complex goals”. Later in the book, however, he describes a super-intelligent AI as “being better at accomplishing its goals than we humans…” (emphasis added). The difference between accomplishing a goal and setting a goal is enormous. It is the difference between following instructions and setting instructions. Yet Tegmark constantly mixes up these definitions. I get the feeling that Tegmark himself is aware of the distinction and its importance, but his incessant shifting from one definition to the other makes for sloppy writing and even sloppier arguments.

In addition, many of his examples are simplistic, i.e. the “detailed world model” and various forms of AI-led societies mentioned above, or even patently absurd. His statement, for example, that “Our planet is 99.999999% dead in the sense that this fraction of its matter isn’t part of our biosphere and is doing almost nothing useful for life other than providing gravitational pull and a magentic field. This raises the potential of one day using a hundred million times more matter in active support of life.”

Yeah, you tell ’em, Tegmark! NASA’s already built a toilet that can flush in space, so who needs gravity? And a magnetic field? Only wimps and French people whine about frying under a heavy dose of cosmic rays!

I could go on. And on. And on. The whole of Chapter 7 is a stinking pile of cat feces lying just under a thin layer of dirt in your garden, waiting for you stick your hand in it when you try to pull a weed. (If I’m generous, I’d say this chapter relied on the notion that our human sense of free-will and the pursuit of individual goals is all reducable to physical phenomena which can be described by physics. But Tegmark never explicitly says that and, after all the other crap examples and sloppy arguments I had to read in this book, I’m not in a mood to be generous.)

In sum, don’t waste your time with this book. Don’t be deceived by the catchy opening. And despite a few good pages here and there (Chapter 8, on consciousness, had some interesting and though-provoking touches), the majority of Life 3.0 was both frustrating to read and remarkably uninformative.
Thanks, I really think there is a need to call out bull****ters like Tegmark, David Deutsch and Richard Dawkins. They have an anti-human, neo-neo-platonist agenda, and generally cherry-pick "scientific facts". Soz if this is too political.
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I felt much (very much) the same way about his previous book, Our Mathematical Universe. Part of it, granted, was an OK survey of recent cosmology and some of the cosmological experiments he participated in. But the original, headline-grabbing parts were just SF speculation, and bad SF at that. And don't even get me started on the self-puffery autobiographical bits. He's very clearly his very favorite person in the universe.
@CTRandall , thanks for this very illuminating review. It nicely shows how the vast majority of speculation about AI fails to grasp that intelligence and consciousness are totally different things, with, once again, "consciousness being uploaded into machines." Good to see this kind of book being reviewed at Chrons.
Thanks, I really think there is a need to call out bullshitters like Tegmark, David Deutsch and Richard Dawkins. They have an anti-human, neo-neo-platonist agenda, and generally cherry-pick "scientific facts". Soz if this is too political.
Richard Dawkins is not anti-human: that's ridiculous. Richard Dawkins is an atheist fundamentalist who doesn't grasp the importance of religion and spirituality to early human life. He also doesn't understand the value of story and tale-telling.
@tegeus-Cromis Yeah, I quickly tired of his name-dropping, mentions of how many languages he speaks, etc. I'm truly left wondering how this became a New York Times bestseller and how he gets so many glowing reviews, especially from prominent scientists who should know better.

And that leads me to a bigger worry: if this is what the "top minds" in the field view as thoughtful and careful consideration of the societal and moral issues surrounding AI, we're in trouble. Fortunately, I think there are much better, if less well-known, minds tackling these problems. I'll try to post reviews of one or two other--hopefully better!--books on this topic in a few weeks.
@tegeus-Cromis Yeah, I quickly tired of his name-dropping, mentions of how many languages he speaks, etc. I'm truly left wondering how this became a New York Times bestseller and how he gets so many glowing reviews, especially from prominent scientists who should know better.

I call this the Pinker Effect :/
I call this the Pinker Effect :/

Part of me really wanted to believe Pinker in The Better Angels of Our Nature--it would be so lovely for it to be true!--and part of me wanted to scream every time he took a bit of incomplete data over a span of a couple of decades and extrapolated an argument covering the whole of human hkstory over thousands of years. That is social "science" at its worst.
Honestly, I'm really disappointed. Not by the book but by the topic. Didn't expect to find here such a snobby and elitist attitude here. Guess I'm probably will be either kicked or regarded as anti-human neo-neo platonist after this comment
Honestly, I'm really disappointed. Not by the book but by the topic. Didn't expect to find here such a snobby and elitist attitude here.
You may disagree with what CTR or any other of us who commented on here said, but for the life of me I can't figure out what in there could be described as "snobby and elitist."
If you disagree, post a review of your own.

Now that I'm back from vacation (where I actually finished reading the Tegmark's book) I might. Will be little bit hard for me to put it together in reasonable time though, with my lack of English writing skills, but you can bet that there will be no quotes like
there is a need to call out bull****ters like Tegmark, David Deutsch and Richard Dawkins.
in it.
Now that I'm back from vacation (where I actually finished reading the Tegmark's book) I might. Will be little bit hard for me to put it together in reasonable time though, with my lack of English writing skills, but you can bet that there will be no quotes like in it.
That's fine, but, again, there's nothing inherently snobby or elitist about calling out bulllshitters. If anything, quite the opposite.
If it is indeed science fiction, is it still useless? Wasn't the submarine inspired by a Verne novel? Also, how is Dawkins anti-human? And how does one cherry-pick scientific facts? Science is objective and covers the world around us.
@Guttersnipe You cherry-pick scientific facts by selecting the ones you like and ignoring the ones you don't. People and politicians do it all the time. For example, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, social Darwinism justified racism by taking rough ideas from Darwin while ignoring the complexities of his theory.

To give an example from Tegmark's book, most of the time he bases his speculations on current theories of physics. That's all fine and well. However, when discussing "goal-oriented behaviour" in artificial intelligence, he borrows a definition from economics which has no correlation in physics. The result is a weird mish-mash that sounds impressive but has no experimental evidence to support it.

As far as the "Dawkins is anti-human" quote goes, the person who posted that acknowledged it was "a little over the top". It's in the post immediately above yours.

And yes, science fiction can be a great inspiration, even a window on the future. I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone on the Chrons who would disagree with that. What isn't good, however, is to dress up speculation as scientific fact. That can be positively dangerous. One look at current world politics should demonstrate the folly of that.

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