1.03: Star Trek: Picard - The End is the Beginning

Lets not forget whilst Picard might still have potential to not be frail, he's spent 14 years tending to a vineyard. He's also got machines to do much of the work for him and he's clearly the "owner/overseer" of the site. So chances are he's not exercised in any serious way over those years. So he's likely very out of condition and its far better for him to remove himself from the fight as best he can rather than get involved and only be a liability - trusting in the two fitter and more combat experienced romulans to take over.

Heck even in his best times Picard was never really a fighter like Kirk nor one who worked out a lot like Sisko. Remember when Sisko punched Q and Q remarked "You hit me!. Picard never hit me".

So I think seeing him not doing well during a fight is very true to his character.
Finished watching this 15 minutes ago, and the short hairs on the back of my neck are still up from the last scene. Picard's face when he says "Engage!" Wooo...
Same here. As much as I like something new, I think i am longing for another TNG.
A local pub, most likely.
Makes perfect sense actually. There would be Irish pubs and Chinese Restaurants throughout the galaxy. We've just not seen them before. Would you want the atmosphere in a bar run by a Ferengi, if you could visit an O Seachnasaigh instead? And any Romulan learning Federation Standard would be bound to pick up the accent they had heard there.
Lets not forget whilst Picard might still have potential to not be frail, he's spent 14 years tending to a vineyard. He's also got machines to do much of the work for him and he's clearly the "owner/overseer" of the site.

It might also be worth remembering that Patrick Stewart is 80 years old this year!
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I just got the impression that the Romulans had a really bad experience of AI themselves, probably the equivalent of the Earth's eugenic wars turning humanity against genetic engineering. Either that or the Romulan paranoia distrusts handing control of information to anything at all.

Maybe the destruction of the shipyards on Mars was of double benefit; a way to turn the Federation against synths, while also maintaining their control over their own people (I imagine aliens saving your world would lead to a lot of splinter factions championing more openness and a move from the secrecy of the old ways). This is probably totally wrong though.

It's definitely slow going but I did catch myself thinking that it's only a single story and the two-parters/TV-movie formula we're used to getting from Star Trek wouldn't be paced well across a whole season.
Finished watching this 15 minutes ago, and the short hairs on the back of my neck are still up from the last scene. Picard's face when he says "Engage!" Wooo...

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