Is Rey a clone of Palpatine or Anakin Skywalker?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
A discussion with obvious spoilers for the existing Disney trilogy - at least until the new film comes out in December...

We've seen a lot of discussion online about Rey's parents. The original teaser trailer for The Force Awakens has Luke narrating about how the Force is strong in his family:

"The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power, too."

The clear inference was that Rey is somehow related to Luke. The Last Jedi failed to expand on this, with Kylo Ren inferring Rey's parents were "noboies", though as a Sith Lord we can presume he'd lie about anything to be manipulative.

However, the following two features on YouTube make an interesting claim - that Rey is so drawn to the Force and so powerful at using it, because she is either a clone of Palpatine - or Anakin - the latter of which would indeed make her a Skywalker, just not in the way expected - especially if her main purpose, without knowing it, is to further the Sith:

It's difficult to agree with everything said in either video (and you may have to skim the first few minutes to get to the discussion), but I did find their claim that Rey's parentage is not so straight-forward as being a "secret love child" quite compelling.

Just thought it might make for interesting discussion.
Being a clone isn't out of the question, the Emperor used them extensively to build his army and Anakin was broken. Even in Vaders suit (and with modern CGI) he was never going to rise to the same power as if he'd retained his human shell. The Emperor might well have considered replacing him with a clone. A fresh start.

Also a suitable backup should Luke not turn and should Vader not perform as well as he should. The Emperor was always one to be thinking ahead.

The real issue is that the first two films were focusing more on copy-catting the original two films than establishing their own multi-film internal storyline which has weakened them considerably.
I'm sure to some extent that there have been a deliberate number of withheld plot variables to fuel such discussion.

However looking at the past--in these films--and considering foreshadowing; I'd have to say that what Luke says has to be considered strongly in whatever the outcome might be and that it would spoil things now if there wasn't some family relationship to Luke at this point.

Unless it is proven that Luke is delving into non-sequitur like regions in his conversation.
Luke may be highlighting the power of heredity, showing his own family as a prelude to explaining Rey's connection to some other Jedi line - like Kenobi or Doku.

Or maybe the thingynoids caused Luke to become spontaneously pregnant with Rey, explaining his exile.
Actually, despite the throwaway remark, one of the videos does suggest that Palpatine was involved in the creation of Anakin. After all, he was said not to have a father in any physical sense - putting in mind the idea of a clone carried by a surrogate.

Of course, the danger here is that Emperor Palpatine is in some sense Luke's grandad... but, again, Star Wars does seem to like it's family connections. :)
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Don't really care for the "fan service" backstory super-connection hijinks. It takes the characters' choices/sacrifices and turns them into predestination.

There doesn't seem to be any strong evidence that Luke or Vader or Hannah's ex-boyfriend were especially powerful. The force may run strongly in the family, but isn't that strong in each individual. Relatively speaking, Rey's powers are bananas.
I have to confess that I'll be glad once they kill off the OT characters.

I'm interested in where Disney decides to take the Star Wars Universe.
I'm drawn to the poetic nature of Rey being a clone of Anakin - one of his X chromosomes twice, instead of including the Y.


Because then Anakin truly would be able to bring balance to the Force through Rey. It also means he gets another redemption arc - what he could have been if only...

Either way, Rey is ridiculously Force-sensitive, drawn to any symbol relating to the Force, Empire vs the Rebellion, and able to master Jedi skills in minutes rather than months, or years.

Plus in The Last Jedi, when Luke asked her to "feel", she saw the pit - a symbol of the Dark Side - and went straight into it, much to Luke's dismay, and leaving him frightened of her abilities. Only Anakin was previously so powerful - though that's without knowing (from the films) how Palpatine's background might fit into this.

EDIT: An if Vader-worshipping Kylo Ren found out that Rey was a clone of Anakin, how would that affect him and his motivations? Was that a Knight of Ren he cut down in the trailer? :)

EDIT 2: However, I can see the final film going for a more simple approach - that Rey is Leia's daughter (though whether with Han or a "spontaneous" birth - like Anakin's mum - is another issue). And, Leia, upon sensing the power within the child, realizes that she has to hide her away, as her mother did with herself (though whether it's because Ben has turned to Kylo by then is another matter).

That would certainly explain why Leia had to survive the attack on the convoy - she still needs to reveal herself to Rey. It also explains the connection between Kylo Ren and Rey - they are indeed brother and sister. Even Luke and Han wouldn't have known, but that would explain why Rey felt connected to them.

Perhaps a lot hinges on who the Max Von Sydow character was at the start of The Force Awakens - IIRC he was described as a close ally of Leia, and was surprisingly big actor credit for such a minor role.
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Alternative theory - Anakin was the clone of the Emperor in a plot to capitalise on the prophecy. He finds some backward nowhere to implant the egg into an unkown woman. He might even have done it multiple times over the years in an attempt to breed his own apprentice replacements. Jedi stumble across this long before the Emperor can get his clutches on him, but instead of blocking them he runs with it.

Rey isn't a clone but is natural born and thus the one to bring balance to the force as she was born rather than created by nefarious means.

Of course this likely goes in the face of some established backlore in supporting material, but it would fit the Emperors style of layers within layers plots and long term goals.
A clone of the Emperor or Anakin, or any male, would have a y chromosome. Just sayin'. That's just science!

Doesn't the title of the film "Rise of the Skywalker" imply she is a Skywalker?

That means either:
  • she is the child of Leia, possibly with Han Solo,
  • she is the child of Luke, but he has forgotten who with,
  • she is the clone of Leia.
I can't see another possibility, but I'm sure they can retcon something else that does fit.
Luke and Leia did have a relationship* and it wasn't until Return of the Jedi that they became aware of their relation to each other. Meanwhile we never fully saw Leia commit to Han and he did spend a long time frozen.

It's very possible and would explain why Rey was put into hiding; though as a result of Leia's actions not Lukes's. Perhaps she stole the Falcon, flew it there and abandoned a child she'd had and hidden. Leaving the Falcon because of guilt and being unable to fully explain things so just lets it go.

However might be a touch too far for the target audience for this kind of film. Also I don't think we get any foreshadowing of this from Leia; however if the writers don't have a 3-film-plan that's tightly built then it is something they could throw out there.

*Well we did see them kiss, though we never knew if anything came of that or if she was purely taunting Han at the time. However it wasn't long after that that he was frozen for a considerable length of time.
Luke and Leia's child? ---- Gross out! It's not going to happen!
I agree, Luke and Leia's child is not going to happen.

Okay then, how about this? Shimi Skywalker actually had twins, and Anakin was a twin (not entirely unbelievable as non-identical twins tend to re-occur in families.) Both her children were sold into slavery along with Shimi, but the female child was carbon frozen for 40 years. She is Rey, making Rey the great aunt of Ben Solo/Kylo Ren.
