Conveying Radio Traffic Dialogue...

Thanks for the response @Kharn . To restate what I had regarding using italics for everyone but Rokka-Kae, the reason is... Her voice (non-italics) is spoken openly like someone using earbuds/blue-tooth, etc.. So, anyone around her can hear it--so it IS dialogue. However, every other communication seen, is ONLY what Rokka-Kae hears over her earpieces. Those around Rokka-Kae would not hear it. With others around detached, it comes off as a 'voice in her head,' why I went with italics for thought. ;)

As to the break between the alert/ident and message... You're right, a comma would accurately represent that. However, the colon used in the transcripts (which are lacking some of the actual verbalized dialogue), makes it obvious that we're not reading strictly 'face-to-face' dialogue. A colon is wrong to use, so is a semi-colon based on what their typical use. An ellipsis is wrong (like I have) due to there is no missing dialogue or other uses, and an EM dash is too long/hard of a stop. Hence my debate on this :cautious:

@Star-child ; I'm not so sure I agree.
98% of the story takes place with Rokka-Kae out among the oppressed masses. The story, however, is more about Rokka-Kae directly bucking the government. A government detached from the people, only using her and the people to their own ends. The people only face the end result of that government's oppression, a very tiny/superficial tip of the depth of it (in many cases, meant to be Rokka-Kae and her duties which she refuses to perform)...So, a lot of the motivation, attitudes, malicious cruelty, and callous attitudes 'of the government,' would never be revealed to the reader unless I have Kae walking around constantly moping about it, as she dwells on it.

Instead, I can show direct interaction, attitudes, bias, malice and so on, of the government, through those communications (like dialogue), as they try to get Rokka-Kae to do their bidding. If it was just clutter/fluff, I'd agree with you. Yet it's not. Again, the story is about Kae working toward taking an active role, rebelling against the government.

As an example, previous to this dialogue, in an area packed with people, a government gunner on the wall has just killed ALL 30 people who attacked their guards. Kae is out among the people, who are all innocents. I'll use (parentheses) to explain aspects.

“Central Dispatch…cease firing at the C-16 gate. The attackers are dead!” Kae called in frantically.

‘Reaper-379, Central Dispatch…roger, understood. You are ordered to begin harvesting (killing) the rioters. Clear the area of all weeds (derogatory term for the people/citizens) in range. Estimate is four thousand, over.’ (IOW: kill everyone you see)

“Central, negative…the rioters have all been killed, cease firing!”

‘Reaper-379, Sector-10 Command…’ a new voice began. ‘You are ordered to expend all ordnance on the weeds in the area. Begin harvesting, now. Confirm and comply, over.’ (a commander emphasizing the governments demand to commit genocide upon their own citizens in general. IOW, the government's actual intentions)

Thanks everyone for responding,

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Thanks for the response @Kharn . To restate what I had regarding using italics for everyone but Rokka-Kae, the reason is... Her voice (non-italics) is spoken openly like someone using earbuds/blue-tooth, etc.. So, anyone around her can hear it--so it IS dialogue. However, every other communication seen, is ONLY what Rokka-Kae hears over her earpieces. Those around Rokka-Kae would not hear it. With others around detached, it comes off as a 'voice in her head,' why I went with italics for thought. ;)

As to the break between the alert/ident and message... You're right, a comma would accurately represent that. However, the colon used in the transcripts (which are lacking some of the actual verbalized dialogue), makes it obvious that we're not reading strictly 'face-to-face' dialogue. A colon is wrong to use, so is a semi-colon based on what their typical use. An ellipsis is wrong (like I have) due to there is no missing dialogue or other uses, and an EM dash is too long/hard of a stop. Hence my debate on this :cautious:

@Star-child ; I'm not so sure I agree.
98% of the story takes place with Rokka-Kae out among the oppressed masses. The story, however, is more about Rokka-Kae directly bucking the government. A government detached from the people, only using her and the people to their own ends. The people only face the end result of that government's oppression, a very tiny/superficial tip of the depth of it (in many cases, meant to be Rokka-Kae and her duties which she refuses to perform)...So, a lot of the motivation, attitudes, malicious cruelty, and callous attitudes 'of the government,' would never be revealed to the reader unless I have Kae walking around constantly moping about it, as she dwells on it.

Instead, I can show direct interaction, attitudes, bias, malice and so on, of the government, through those communications (like dialogue), as they try to get Rokka-Kae to do their bidding. If it was just clutter/fluff, I'd agree with you. Yet it's not. Again, the story is about Kae working toward taking an active role, rebelling against the government.

As an example, previous to this dialogue, in an area packed with people, a government gunner on the wall has just killed ALL 30 people who attacked their guards. Kae is out among the people, who are all innocents. I'll use (parentheses) to explain aspects.

“Central Dispatch…cease firing at the C-16 gate. The attackers are dead!” Kae called in frantically.

‘Reaper-379, Central Dispatch…roger, understood. You are ordered to begin harvesting (killing) the rioters. Clear the area of all weeds (derogatory term for the people/citizens) in range. Estimate is four thousand, over.’ (IOW: kill everyone you see)

“Central, negative…the rioters have all been killed, cease firing!”

‘Reaper-379, Sector-10 Command…’ a new voice began. ‘You are ordered to expend all ordnance on the weeds in the area. Begin harvesting, now. Confirm and comply, over.’ (a commander emphasizing the governments demand to commit genocide upon their own citizens in general. IOW, the government's actual intentions)

Thanks everyone for responding,

In this sample you've eliminated most of the extraneous radio words which would have been egregious had you stuck to the strict formats you suggested in the OP.
In this sample you've eliminated most of the extraneous radio words which would have been egregious had you stuck to the strict formats you suggested in the OP.

Like what? I used some examples of transcripts, of what real radio traffic is like, and finally what I'm using. That last is how I'm using it. If you would, which words/phrases are you speaking about so I'll understand what is at issue?

Like what? I used some examples of transcripts, of what real radio traffic is like, and finally what I'm using. That last is how I'm using it. If you would, which words/phrases are you speaking about so I'll understand what is at issue?

There isn't an issue because you chose not to use words like "over", as in some of your examples.
There isn't an issue because you chose not to use words like "over", as in some of your examples.
“Central Dispatch…cease firing at the C-16 gate. The attackers are dead!” Kae called in frantically.

‘Reaper-379, Central Dispatch…roger, understood. You are ordered to begin harvesting (killing) the rioters. Clear the area of all weeds (derogatory term for the people/citizens) in range. Estimate is four thousand, over.(IOW: kill everyone you see)

“Central, negative…the rioters have all been killed, cease firing!”

‘Reaper-379, Sector-10 Command…’ a new voice began. ‘You are ordered to expend all ordnance on the weeds in the area. Begin harvesting, now. Confirm and comply, over.’ (a commander emphasizing the governments demand to commit genocide upon their own citizens in general. IOW, the government's actual intentions)

Well, I do, but in this example only by Dispatch and Command. Kae is too excited to follow protocol. Though it was mentioned earlier in the thread, 'over,' a key-off (tone/sound which proves a mic button it released) and so on, are still used many places. Otherwise, people communicating don't know when one side or the other is through transmitting. In this case, Dispatch or command (if they were using radios) from base stations would stomp all over (cancel out) mobile comms.

That said... the use of prowords, alerts/idents, end message and end transmission (out) messages are still used by dispatch in the story, although, they're actually using cellular communications (so it doesn't really matter, all of that working just like a user id'd phone call). However, not being military or law enforcement, the new government and those that serve them use varied degrees of comm-protocols. None of them are professionals to any degree. The regimentation shown with dispatch, meant to demonstrate a structured group.

In any case... I'm satisfied with the communication dialogue as it stands (though appreciate reading the options in case there is a way I like better). My big issue at the moment, what to use as break punctuation between the alert call/ident and the message.

Thanks for your input.

Well, I do, but in this example only by Dispatch and Command. Kae is too excited to follow protocol. Though it was mentioned earlier in the thread, 'over,' a key-off (tone/sound which proves a mic button it released) and so on, are still used many places. Otherwise, people communicating don't know when one side or the other is through transmitting. In this case, Dispatch or command (if they were using radios) from base stations would stomp all over (cancel out) mobile comms.

That said... the use of prowords, alerts/idents, end message and end transmission (out) messages are still used by dispatch in the story, although, they're actually using cellular communications (so it doesn't really matter, all of that working just like a user id'd phone call). However, not being military or law enforcement, the new government and those that serve them use varied degrees of comm-protocols. None of them are professionals to any degree. The regimentation shown with dispatch, meant to demonstrate a structured group.

In any case... I'm satisfied with the communication dialogue as it stands (though appreciate reading the options in case there is a way I like better). My big issue at the moment, what to use as break punctuation between the alert call/ident and the message.

Thanks for your input.

I appreciate your commitment to authenticity, just trying to get across the point that people will be reading your work for entertainment, and too much extraneous stuff of any kind makes fun reading less fun.

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