5.06: Fear The Walking Dead - The Little Prince


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

Facing impossible odds, Luciana and the group work together to tackle an impossible task while Morgan helps prevent disaster; an old friend presents Sarah, Charlie and Strand with a solution.
I'd say that the high point of this episode was Strand and Charlie crossing the mountains in the Augie's Ale hot air balloon, but even that comically spectacular feat literally fell short.
Grace continues to prove the old adage that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. While she had the ability to get a plane engine running, she failed to notice that the propeller was a shrapnel shower just waiting to happen. Have they ever explained exactly what in Grace's background makes her think that she is a pilot?
What if, despite all odds, both of these amateur aeronautic engineering teams get their respective planes operational and airborne? Then, they meet each other flying in opposite directions? Now, that would be comical.
Alicia's continued obsession with saving people who don't want to be saved has gotten really old. If her efforts are intended to foreshadow her death, I say pull the trigger, already. Give Alycia Debnam-Carey's screen time to a more interesting character.
I'd say that the high point of this episode was Strand and Charlie crossing the mountains in the Augie's Ale hot air balloon, but even that comically spectacular feat literally fell short.

Yeah, it was hilarious. The show made me laugh like never before. I especially loved that the balloon was shaped like a beer bottle. I'm sure whoever saw it felt good, because you just can't feel otherwise. It's not happening. I kind of guessed that they were going to crash even though I imagined them landing nicely at the petrol station.

It upset me that the children had decided to bail out, and leave the group even though they should have stick with the adults. There just isn't no way anyone of them could have gathered enough of life experience to really pass through the adult test.

Grace continues to prove the old adage that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. While she had the ability to get a plane engine running, she failed to notice that the propeller was a shrapnel shower just waiting to happen. Have they ever explained exactly what in Grace's background makes her think that she is a pilot?

What if, despite all odds, both of these amateur aeronautic engineering teams get their respective planes operational and airborne? Then, they meet each other flying in opposite directions? Now, that would be comical.

Grace? You mean Althea and not the nuclear scientist? I think she has a background in mechanics, but she's not a super genius, like Dr Evil. I mean she's very capable but fixing a car engine isn't the same as putting together a large cargo plane. It isn't one woman job, especially as you have to run through all the wires, hydraulics, oil and petrol pumps and their lines. Then they have to find real airplane petrol as normal gasoline doesn't run in those engines. After that they'll have to trust that Strand can pilot that thing and not crash them again.
Poor Dwight, he is definitely paying for his time with Negan, looks like his happy ever after with Sherrie will never happen.

Alicia and her obsession with saving the kids probably isn't going to end well. She was always my favourite out the Clarkes but I'm going off her this season.
Grace needs to have a serious conversation with Annie, explain why staying is not an option.

The balloon ride added a nice bit of humour, I can't see how Charlie and Strand can escape the radiation zombies, maybe they should turn the balloon hamper upside down and hide.
Yes, I think Al (Althea) is more than a car mechanic grease monkey. I think she is ex-army or air force but I'll accept that she fixed up stuff at the weekends and did something else during the week. It was something mechanical and physical though. I can't see her as a receptionist.

There was at least some attempt at an explanation about how the parents died and not the kids. Having a safe house in the woods for the eventuality of the camp being over-run?? Really? If the camp was over-run that would be time to move on. I would spend more time making the camp impregnable rather than building some secondary and less safe escape hole.

There was also an explanation of why they are now hemmed in and cannot leave. They are surrounded by the contaminated lands and the mountains on all sides. That makes sense. So, tell me, how did Sherrie and Dwight get there? The geography of TWD and FTWD continues to make no sense. If the balloon was flying over the mountain (just as their plane did) then isn't that from the opposite direction from the contaminated lands. So, how did they land the balloon in a contaminated area without reaching the base first.

Grace doesn't make sense. If the second reactor is going to overheat then keeping it cool just a little longer to buy some time makes a little sense, but only if she thinks they need more time to get the plane working. With the replacement propellers that is no longer true. She should immediately turn around and come back, because leaving is the only option. The same goes for the children. I can see why they think the plane wasn't ever going to work, and they think they were safe when the first reactor overheated, so they will be safe now. However, Grace is the nuclear engineer, so if she says everyone must leave, everyone needs to leave - including herself.
Grace needs to have a serious conversation with Annie, explain why staying is not an option.
You would think so, but she is obsessed with keeping the plant going and the generator. She needs to let it go. How does she think is it her fault anyway? And why did Morgan just accept that when she said it?
I can't see how Charlie and Strand can escape the radiation zombies, maybe they should turn the balloon hamper upside down and hide.
I think I can guess. I'll put it in a spoiler thing, even though it is a guess.
They conveniently find that the fuel didn't run out, after all, but there was a fuel line blockage. They unblock it and turn the burners around, and they fry the Growlers/Walkers. This means no blood splashes so no radiation.
There was at least some attempt at an explanation about how the parents died and not the kids. Having a safe house in the woods for the eventuality of the camp being over-run?? Really? If the camp was over-run that would be time to move on. I would spend more time making the camp impregnable rather than building some secondary and less safe escape hole.

The children acted as if it had happened a little while ago, and that they were still under orders. Maybe one or two of the adults survived, and that's why the kids left, because they felt responsible for caring those individuals. Their whole story sounds like a survivalist one, rather than an accident as a meeting point in the woods, sounds positively like military tactics.

There was also an explanation of why they are now hemmed in and cannot leave. They are surrounded by the contaminated lands and the mountains on all sides. That makes sense. So, tell me, how did Sherrie and Dwight get there? The geography of TWD and FTWD continues to make no sense. If the balloon was flying over the mountain (just as their plane did) then isn't that from the opposite direction from the contaminated lands. So, how did they land the balloon in a contaminated area without reaching the base first.

I agree. They have always a chance to walk away, or climb the mountains, or even just drive as they keep finding petrol and vehicles to do whatever they need. They could even harden couple of trucks and trust that they won't hit a horde or making contaminated area on their way.
You would think so, but she is obsessed with keeping the plant going and the generator. She needs to let it go. How does she think is it her fault anyway? And why did Morgan just accept that when she said it?

Why don't she try to shut it down? Drive the control rods deep in the core and make sure they'll never get lifted. The thing that happened, makes me wonder what other nuclear plants have suffered a meltdown? In theory there should be loads of them.
The story is getting a little crazy. Having a bunch of kids around could be interesting as the group journeys around. It would almost certainly lead to some onscreen children deaths which could be uncomfortable, though it has happened a few times. But maybe something will happen to them offscreen, as they have run off, and a couple will return?

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