How Should We Deal With Alien Contact? A Survey.

One option might be that what found Earth was a sophisticated probe – an AI, basically. I’m not sure how this would change things, except that it might be slightly more reasonable than a living being. Or slightly more relentless in its efforts to destroy all humans.
Of course this may already have happened; remember Oumuamua the shard of interstellar rock that shot through the solar system at some 70,000 mph managing the extraordinarily unlikely coincidence of coming so close to the sun that it managed a pretty nifty slingshot around it:

"Alternatively, a more exotic scenario is that ‘Oumuamua may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization."

Hmm, where did I put that old tin hat.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
That was probably the galactic equivalent of taking a short cut through a shady part of town and not stopping in case the locals stole your hubcaps.
What if they communicate only by mathematics or by geometric shapes? Or something we are as yet unable to conceive?
Smell! I'm convinced dogs are leaving messages for each other :poop: all over the place in their quest to subjugate humans.
Therefore the advanced meeting party had better include a bloodhound or two. :alien:
I'm convinced dogs are leaving messages for each other :poop: all over the place in their quest to subjugate humans.
No, it's the cats! Domestic cats are actually aliens. It is well documented. This is why they have a disdain both for humans and their lackeys; dogs. They also have a radio antenna/ receiver built into their back leg and a microphone hidden under the fur so that they can contact their Kzinti masters. They sit on windowsills on neighbourhood watch, every single day, recording everything like a CCTV camera. There is no record of them before ancient Egypt, when they were delivered as "a gift from the gods." Pull back a cat's ears and your have a Grey Alien's face. Also, the damn purring! There is no adequate scientific explanation for it. You want more evidence? How can they fall backwards off window balconies, fall two stories, and still flip-over to land unharmed on their feet? Anti-gravity emitters!
I'm not sure that intelligent aliens would appreciate our ability to pick who gets to talk to them, they might like to make their own choices. Our leaders might be installed as court jesters, to provide some outlandish humor during time outs as our exploits to date are explained in greater detail and something is needed to break the rising monotony. Our planet's core could be unique, like a long running top. What if they only wanted to see how the planet's core worked by looking at it directly, the same way we bag rare specimens for scientific research.
I'm a FIRM believer that ALL aliens must be able to pass the 'Slim Whitman Indian Love Call Test' upon first contact...

If they pass that, the 'Bugs Bunny Endurance Test'...


Fail either... we nuke em'. Just sayin'. ;)

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Regarding the ability of the aliens to actually speak to someone in charge, of course, that was the theme of The Day the Earth Stood Still (original version, not seen the Bill and Ted remake) and it would probably be harder today. You could even speak at the United Nations and then still be ignored by sovereign nations. The aliens won't be keen to go on an extended political junket. They will be expecting the 'world government' to come to them. After all, they are the most interesting thing that has ever happened. My guess is that they would get bored after a few weeks and go home, unless they really, really like our reality TV. In that case though, they could learn all they need just from a subscription to a streaming service.
One aspect that interests me is what an individual would actually do if he or she were to unexpectedly encounter an alien.

I once genuinely and truly believed, for all of one or two minutes, that I was a few feet, maybe no more than ten, from a landed alien UFO.
I was walking home late at night in a pitch black night along a deserted country lane when all of a sudden there was an alien craft a few feet ahead of me, lights blazing. It seemed to be spherical. I was totally flummoxed and couldn't decide what to do, whether to go forward and make contact or whether to retreat. Could they be friendly or hostile? I just stood there completely conflicted, not knowing what to do, but aware of the immensity of the situation. After what felt a significant time, but was probably only a minute or two, I realised that it was a stationary car with its headlights on, and that there were two people in it looking at me.
I think in terms of originality the original Star Trek 4 movie did a good job of exploring the what if things aren't going the way we think they should way. Hey, we're over here! Don't you want to talk to us? We make good selfies.
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Does it matter?

I've they're capable of reaching us they're almost certainly vastly technologically superior. If they're evil, we'll be obliterated/enslaved. If they're benevolent, we'll be incapable of harming them.
Interesting thread.

First, I'm miffed, I think a Parson who loves S.F. and sees all life as wonderful and worthy of respect should be included. ;)

Second, Why should we think that a race of intelligent beings would be surprised at a world full of competitive people who join together to protect themselves from other groups? A planet of nations is IMHO more likely than one where there is a universally recognized hierarchy and obeyed.

Third, Being much advanced doesn't necessarily mean that they would have ready and obvious defense against a nuclear bomb. --- The very idea of such a use of physics might be completely off the board for them. To say nothing of suicide bombers, snipers, and a whole host of other deadly things we've thought up along the way.

Fourth, (discouragingly) If an alien race was capable of stellar travel why would they bother with earth? Either uninhabited planets or planets inhabited with a less aggressive and more advanced species would be much higher on the list of places to visit.
Another of those movie moments where it didn't work out so well for the little green guys ;)


Has anyone here seen the season 7 South Park Episode Cancelled ?

Actually, has anyone here considered the fact that we might not know what to do when faced with an alien? I'm just finishing off a book on this very idea. You see an alien you respond - usually badly. There's running and screaming, throwing up, turning into a statue and then finally going full ape sh*t crazy and attacking it. All variations on fight or flight responses.

Everyone thinks they know what they'd do if aliens arrive. But no one does. What if the experience is simply so overwhelming that it robs people of their wits? That when confronted with something that is completely new / unknown, they simply can't apply anything they know about the world to their interaction?

But other than that I'm with the OP - if in doubt develop a survey! Always good business school policy!

Cheers, Greg.
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