Looking for a linguist


Crochet Streamer
Oct 6, 2011
I went looking online for a Sylvan translator. And apparently there isnt one. Despite references to the language being loosely based on Celtic, all the advice was to just throw the Sylvan alphabet (which I cant find except as a borrowed Elvin one) on your English phrase.

Now. I'm no linguist but I know that languages never translate 1:1 word meanings. That there are nuances and subtleties to each language. Even within a common language there are meaning/usage divergences.

Am I over thinking this because I'm emotionally attached to the project and intellectually insulted at the idea that Sylvan is just English with funny characters?

looking for resources or ideas on what to do.

Thanks in advance!
Now I've found a guide to the Sylvan alphabet

This seems to contradict the first link in that this page seems to imply that a Sylvan word is created by replacing each letter in the English word with one of the Sylvan variants for that letter
For example, lets look at the word "bean." Rather that "brinevaartnir," it could be spelt as "brinevanir", which not only looks much nicer, but also is a bit easier to say without that double "a." You could spell the word as "borestnor" or even "branelest." Sylvan words have extremely flexible pronunciations.
whereas the first link has direct translations that bear no resemblance to their English counterpart. So which is correct? I've never actually come across Sylvan before.

That said, I'm tempted to write something using the alphabet rules. How else would I spend my Saturday nights? :unsure:
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Ok well that explains why none of the lingojam translators I was using earlier were working. They dont have all the words in.

"Selfless Sacrifice" translates to "Selfless Sacrifice" which I am quite sure is wrong.
