The Expanse - 2.04: Godspeed


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
So sad.

When I read about Detective Miller's demise I felt so sorry for losing a great character. So sorry to know we are never ever again going to see him again, because there's no way for the Detective Miller to get off the rock with a finger on the trigger and air supply almost diminished.

I cannot figure... well, I could, but just like it was with the young Belter "Papa" Miller's head is stuck on his shoulders and there's a very little anything can do to change the course.

He knows he's a dead man for seeing Julie's spirit everywhere. There is no future for him without the lady he only met after her death. I could as well claim he is a knight trying to do something so selfish it feels stupid.

We hang on to our lives without every breath. Yet, sometimes we give up for the good cause. Are they really doing the right thing for the protomolecule being the first contact species.

Where is Spock when we need him? And why aren't Holden growling in Miller's ear like Captain Kirk on a bad morning?

Why they sent Navoo and not that fleet of tug engines to alter Eros trajectory?
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Another great Episode. I loved all the heat Miller was taking from the crew. It almost seemed like they all thought his plan was crazy, and that they were just riffing on him. I love how they don't really think he's a belter. I also felt it was weird how Naomi
suddenly liked him???

Still never liked the plan he came up with but as things progressed it made more sense in the end.
The takeover was badly done, and I think mormons have more security for their food storages now. Why wouldn't they protect their freaking space cathedral in the same manner? Eros moving by itself was creepy! Something tells me Miller isn't going to die, though.

The crew flying in space was well done. Probably my favorite moment of the series so far. The ship separation was amazingly well done as was the use of Drone technology!
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I can't really comment too much on the episode for fear of spoilers but awesome launch sequence for the Nauvoo, and Eros moving gave me chills, despite knowing it was going to happen...
Naomi suddenly liked him???

Yeah. She likes Miller and she cared for him, while Holden and him were in the ship infirmary. Naomi cares for people like a mother hen.
The takeover was badly done, and I think mormons have more security for their food storages now. Why wouldn't they protect their freaking space cathedral in the same manner?

You mean taking over Navoo. Radiation Alert scares everyone and these weren't militant Mormons, ready to die in space for anything. They don't have security because other people provides it.
I can't really comment too much on the episode for fear of spoilers but awesome launch sequence for the Nauvoo, and Eros moving gave me chills, despite knowing it was going to happen...

The visuals are absolutely stunning. I love Miller. What is also great about the series is that there are genuine heroes at play. It is refreshing.
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Another excellent Episode last night, even if the scene at the end was kinda cheesy.

The Missile launch was beautiful as was the split second alliance throughout the system. Something tells me Fred Johnson isn't going to give up those missiles without a fight.

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