David Gemmell's Genealogy ?


New Member
Mar 2, 2019

I am a hobbyist-genealogist who had this idea in mind that there should be an entry for David Gemmell on the "World Family Tree" Geni. I already noticed a lot of Gemmell's are entered on Geni, even some David Gemmell, but sadly not "Our" David Gemmell.

I know of course birth and death date of David Andrew Gemmell, but nothing more.

Is anything more known, which I possibly could use to try to find out a connection to those other Gemmell-Lines found on Geni ?

I know of course David grew up only with a mother, and that there was later Bill Woodford, his stepfather, who did a big impression on him. But I do not even know if his father died early or if he was an illigitimate child.

Thanks in advance. If there is any data available, that would be cool, and I would try to find the connection to the Gemmell lines already present on the Geni World Tree. They actually have that concept of "Master Profile" On that tree which basically highlights the entry of a person telling "this was someone really important". It would be cool if David Gemmell had a Master Profile on that page!

Best regards,
Steffen Häuser
All I know is that his first wife was called Fran Walsh. Have you tried looking to see whether or not be had any half siblings with his step father's name?
Where is that "Fran Walsh" information from? On Wikipedia his first wife is listed as having the firstname "Valerie" (and we all know that Stella Gemmell born Graham is his second wife of course). And from the Dedication in "Quest for Lost Heroes" I knew his stepfather is Bill Woodford (on a Genealogy forum someone looked up for me that Woodford married Gemmell's mother in Q3 1955 which fits, as according to Wikipedia Gemmell was 6 years old when Bill and Olive married. What is weird is that the name of he stepfather appearently listed as "Cecil Woodford" in the marriage index (cannot look at it myselves, that's what the guy on the genealogy forum said)

What else I still found out:

  • The first name of his mother was Olive
  • On MyHeritage (genealogy thingy) there are indices of birth and death. The birth record lists his name as "David Andrew Gemmell" and also lists that the "maiden name of the mother" is in the real birth record (not the index) and the father not mentioned. I deduce from this that Gemmell must have been the mother's name (Gemmell was an illegitimate child, Woodford later basically was on whom he based the character Druss the legend.

Well, that's how far I am now. I know on Geni (another big genealogy page) there are big genealogies for the Gemmell name, but sadly they do not connect to either Olive or David.

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