The Orville - 2.06: A Happy Refrain


Registered Alien
May 27, 2013
2.06 A Happy Refrain

A heartwarming episode with touches of humor
It seems only unnatural that a human dedicated to understanding and supporting organic lifeforms should fall for a tin man. As it turned out, Isaac has a heart, of sorts. Who knew?
I thought Bortus looked great with his "fire department" mustache. He should have given it a longer trial run.
Not until Norm McDonald appeared in the bar did I realize that he is the voice of Yaphit. I also didn't realize that Isaac's holodeck avatar was Mark Jackson, the actor who plays Isaac.
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I thought Bortus looked great with his "fire department" mustache. He should have given it a longer trial run.

It is interesting that aliens study humans and the same thing goes visa versa throughout the whole cast. If you compare this to ST, in ST that is not as pronounced. The aliens, or humans and their culture don't get as much notification as it is present in the Orville.

So, that is in my books a good thing because it's a character study. In equally strange way Orville's crew also brings up other human culture values. On top of things it's as entertaining as many ST series.

I hope Bortus will try full ZZtop beard next time and maybe a mohawk.

It seems only unnatural that a human dedicated to understanding and supporting organic lifeforms should fall for a tin man. As it turned out, Isaac has a heart, of sorts. Who knew?

I didn't, but under that silvery shell is a soul. Maybe he's not exactly compatible as the school teacher, but he makes a good partner. It just you cannot talk about chemistry, when you love a machine ... even if it has a soul. What is surprising is that for a machine Isaac shows a whole range of emotions. Even behind that mask.


LOL. How can a machine figure out that position? Did he find it from the data-archives?
I enjoyed this latest ep. The Dr s dates with Issac posed some interesting issues. I thought the "I've grown accustomed to your face" kind of alteration of Issac's algorithms/subroutines due to interaction with the Doctor made for an interesting logical digital program equivalent to aquireing a preference for interaction with certain individuals. The final scene had me ROTFLMAO.

The series has it's issues but it is such a light hearted tongue in cheek presentation that much can be overlooked or forgiven. One thing that dinged me a bit was a continuity problem during the ep educating Isaac to pranks. When the missing leg falls out of the ceiling it goes clear to the hip but when the character hops onto the bridge his leg is only missing up to the knee.

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