DISCUSSION -- JANUARY 2019 300-word Writing Challenge (#32)

Ursa major

Bearly Believable
Staff member
Aug 7, 2007
The latest 300-worder is up.

As always with the longer form, entries can be posted from the 10th of the month (in this case January), but that does not mean that no-one can talk about the challenge until then.

And as ever, the image is only there to provide inspiration; your story does not have to reference it, even indirectly.
I can feel a world beating 300 terminating already. Or more likely it's the New Year celebratory alcohol creating a false sense of optimism. Either way its a great pic.

Happy New Year all x
I got the story. I just have to fine tune it a bit.

I started to put a link to Auld Lang Syne but it didn't look right. lol. There's a beautiful version on YouTube.

Happy New Year's!
I get the feeling that with this picture, we'll either get plenty of Doctor Who fanfiction-of the good kind-or many Steampunk stories.

Very interesting either way.
No need to be even slightly steampunk -- all speculative fiction is welcome in the 300. :)

I know but, to me cogs, pipes, big gauges, copper recipients suggest steampunk.
Truth is that, the wall ensemble in the image is either a steampunk decorative wall, or a museum/art gallery exhibit. I guess you could place the action in our times.
*in villainous monologue style voice*
Muhahahahhaha Just as I planned! The idea I had procrastinated on ran away ashamed of itself and came back with reinforcements. Now! I will write about her little friends instead of her. Now I will have a story that can compete with my expectations. NOW I WILL RULE THE...
*in normal voice*
what is it?
*off sides inaudible dialog*
no, *poutty sigh* I'm. *poutty sigh* I'm Monologueing!
*off sides inaudible dialog*
No. Fine! I'll be up in a minute. Geez!

I gotta go. The dinasuars got out in the back garden again and ate all of creation.
