Flash! Collected short stories

Jo Zebedee

Aliens vs Belfast.
Oct 5, 2011
blah - flags. So many flags.
Just out today and 99p for a week
Flash! Is a collection of my short work -including some of my 75 and 300 worders, so the Chrons gets lots of call outs - and some longer work.

These have been online, in anthologies, in my newsletter and blog so it’s quite unlikely anyone has seen them all.

They’re a mix of sf/fantasy/real life, all sorts of themes, some Irish stuff in there. A real dip in/out book.

There are 3 new stories in it:
Dancing Through Time which covers how Ealyn Varnon got out of the prism cell at the start of Abendau’s Heir
The Invasion: how the aliens attacked in Inish Carraig, told from a point of view not used before
Our Place in the Stars - too weird to place elsewhere, even for me, but I think some will dig it.

Links are here. It’s also available on kobo etc. This community rocks. I gotta get back doing the challenges xxx


Had a fabulous first day -thanks to everyone who supported the release. Wasn’t expecting it at all but I’ve sold a third of the total sales of my last book in one day! (Which is great - the oul dented confidence can always do with a boost) and reached the top 20 of all short story collections on ‘Zon. Xx
I didn't mention it at the time, Jo, but my own Flash Fiction book held the #7 spot - for, I believe, a full half hour! :D


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