Writing religious characters

You're right about sacrifice but I was referring to the long list of materialistic and momentary pleasures that many religions take strong stances against. And yeah, people do like to entertain topics like religion in their entertainment as long as they aren't being forced to partake in it themselves. I made a lot of generalizations in my post. But I do feel that religion at least in films and tv shows often comes across as outdated or absurd and that the writers seem to suggest that I, as a Christian, should be embarrassed by or ashamed by my own beliefs to one degree or another. I'm sure too that there are writers who are get paid to write what they want.

Also, I'm using Christian as a generalization too. Insert any religion into the above statement.
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell was an SF title which made a big splash and which focuses on a Jesuit missionary trip to another planet. The main character is very much struggling with his religious faith as I remember.

A lot of Sheri S. Teper's work has religious characters - sometimes extremely negative (she obviously didn't like fundamentalist religion) but not always. In one of her best books, Grass, the main character, Marjory, is a Catholic who is struggling with her religion (among other things).

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