Discussion Thread -- August 2018 75-word Writing Challenge

In a break from news in the 75 worder...

Just a reminder that voting in the 300 worder closes tomorrow, just before midnight GMT, which I reckon is something over 36 hours from the time of this post.​
If you took part in the 300 Challenge this quarter, your vote is required! If you've not voted yet, get on and do it!​
If you didn't take part, you can still vote. In fact we'd love you to vote, and will love you for voting!​
And we now return you to the 75s.
Well, I can't turn down that offer...
Thanks Victoria, Parson, and Shyrka for the reviews. Shyrka, I laughed at your closing line. :)
The small things in life, @Luiglin – A desperate search in the apocalyptic wasteland yields something more valuable than gold. Sometimes all you really want to do is settle down with a good book...

Eli Got it Wrong, @Justin Swanton – A life-long quest for ancient knowledge falls - incomprehensibly - at the last hurdle.

Time Enough and More… @mosaix – In the dying embers of a far flung future, the last of the replicants decides to… uh... replicate.

I’m Having a Little Trouble with the Structure, @Robert Mackay – In a world of pugnacious prose, one desperate soul tries to restore (page) order but the writing’s on the wall (and all over the place). Someone call the grammar police!
@BigJ .... Loved and Lost, and Found .... Big J points out that there doesn't have to be many words in a book for it to be very meaningful.

(An insight I'd like to share with some of today's authors!)

@johnnyjet .... The Book of Books .... John Jet shows us a whole new danger in using a linked book to other books.
@BigJ .... Loved and Lost, and Found .... Big J points out that there doesn't have to be many words in a book for it to be very meaningful.

(An insight I'd like to share with some of today's authors!)

@johnnyjet .... The Book of Books .... John Jet shows us a whole new danger in using a linked book to other books.
Today's authors! What about Victor Hugo before he wrote Les Miserables?
Border Control, @Glen – A past mistake and an inflexible bureaucracy splits a family across the cosmos.

The Book of Hope, @Parson – An ancient, storied tome lays lost and forgotten until another chances upon it, but its message of love is, itself, unloved.

Shelf Life, @SamThomas – A malevolent spirit, bound within a book’s bindings, takes its chance to escape at the expense of another in this “spine”-tingling tale.
@nixie .... Reading Hour .... Nixie reminds us that reading a book is very much like taking an adventure. And if you are very lucky you will actually go on an adventure.

??? I'm trying to decipher your post "I think I've voted." Does that mean you've found the story that you expect to vote for? ---- If so, good for you, but don't be too sure there might be better coming.
@nixie .... Reading Hour .... Nixie reminds us that reading a book is very much like taking an adventure. And if you are very lucky you will actually go on an adventure.

??? I'm trying to decipher your post "I think I've voted." Does that mean you've found the story that you expect to vote for? ---- If so, good for you, but don't be too sure there might be better coming.
Whoops it was in response too TJ reminding us to vote in the 300.
I think nixie has already confirmed to MRG, but for everyone else worrying about it, we're considering it as we speak! So far, we're actually leaning towards three words, but we're going to be checking back in our records to see if there are precedents either way. Which may take some time, as our records aren't exactly ship-shape and Bristol fashion. Not even Bath fashion.
@The Judge and the moderators
My 2 pennies about the date: you should consider the date as one word, no matter what is chrons history with it.
- is a well known formatting and not an author invented one;
- it is referring to a single point in time
- it is intended to make the reading more clear, by setting the precise time of action
I think you appeared at the ball nicely decked out, Stable! I like your story, CC
