Looking for book where an Alien Glob Alien trades his knowledge telepathically with those who enter

Arizona Apache

New Member
Jul 23, 2018
Perhaps 60 years ago, as a teenager I read a SF book where a space explorer entered a hut where an alien glob exchanged his mind with the explorer giving him greater knowledge. May have said: "I trade with you my mind." Later in the story, someone shot at the explorer who dodged the bullet because of the knowledge he had gained from the glob. I am trying to find the book... May have been by Robert A. Hindland? [sp]
Perhaps 60 years ago, as a teenager I read a SF book where a space explorer entered a hut where an alien glob exchanged his mind with the explorer giving him greater knowledge. May have said: "I trade with you my mind." Later in the story, someone shot at the explorer who dodged the bullet because of the knowledge he had gained from the glob. I am trying to find the book... May have been by Robert A. Hindland? [sp]

"Time is the Simplest Thing" by Clifford D. Simak

...And the creature spoke.
"Hi pal, it said. I trade with you my mind.

Time is the Simplest Thing - Wikipedia

Wonderful 1961 Simak story. May you enjoy reading it again!
