Netflix Lost In Space


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2011
I read a few news items, all of which seemed to contain the same content regarding this development. Unfortunately, not much was said. As a 'fan' of the original series, I welcome this reboot, & hope it does not collapse into silliness as did the original series.

I thought the 1st season was far more dramatic than its successors, which had only a few episodes not riddled with childish silliness. Its being in gray scale also added to it creepiness factor, likewise The Outer Limits, & The Twilight Zone. I was born late in '58, so I doubt if I ever saw the show during its original run; though I have a memory of it seeming to be a part of my childhood. I remember arguing with my mother about since I had just turned 9, I should be allowed to stay up until 9PM. :lol:
This could be interesting. I am quietly optimistic.
I love what Netflix is doing tbh, not everything is great admittedly, but they are bringing quality TV regularly now.
I'm wondering when somebody's going to bring back Frank Cannon. Seems perfect for this obesity ridden age.
If it was anyone but Netflix I'd give it a pass. We can only hope they keep it adult.
This looks like an upgrade to the campy original television series. I just may have to resubscribe to Netflix.
I'm wondering when somebody's going to bring back Frank Cannon. Seems perfect for this obesity ridden age.

Actually, I'd liked to have seen William Conrad as Baron Harkonnen instead of the lame picks that were chosen by Lynch and SyFy.

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