In a Billion years What kinds of Films do You Think Hollywood Will be Churning Out?


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
I though this a good time to do what I consider to be a serious and thought provoking meditation on the Hollywood of a distant Future Earth , To wonder just what kind of films and genres will hyper evolved mankind be watching. ? I do expect everyone to give this topic the kind o serious consideration that it deserves. This one is all in fun , so let the silliness begin.:D

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Films? If it's way in the future (and the computer power can handle it) why not have your consciousness embedded in personalised universes where anything will be made possible. So entertainment would be like extremely realistic and lucid computer games, with, if you want it, embedded and satisfying plots and 'content'. Skyrim+++ so to speak.

Hell, maybe we're actually in one right now. (Although then perhaps we're just all NPC's and the hero has yet to arrive)
Films? If it's way in the future (and the computer power can handle it) why not have your consciousness embedded in personalised universes where anything will be made possible. So entertainment would be like extremely realistic and lucid computer games, with, if you want it, embedded and satisfying plots and 'content'. Skyrim+++ so to speak.

Hell, maybe we're actually in one right now. (Although then perhaps we're just all NPC's and the hero has yet to arrive)

Love this! :love::D
Personally I don't think Hollywood will exist. By that time it will be all VR and we can decide for ourselves what kind of virtual film we'd like to see ourselves in.

But imagine cinema prices a billion years hence!

Two coffees, a diet coke and a box of popcorn. That'll be $16 billion please.
In a billion years all plant life - and hence animal life - will be dead, the oceans will have boiled off from a runaway greenhouse effect coming from a 10% increase in solar radiation, and the survivors of humanity would have long since left the solar system in a generation ship looking for a planet they could colonise.

The odds are the planet would be much less hospitable than Earth. The future humans would be hard-pressed just to survive and would not have the luxury or means to rebuild a technological civilisation. So a billion years from now, on specially appointed days of the year, sacred actors dressed in ceremonial skins will perform for the tribe the mighty deeds of their ancestors from the Holy Wood, duelling with long, elaborately carved 'fire sticks'. The Evil One, known as the Death Father is slain by the Luck-that-Walks-in-the-Sky, in a ritual that recreates the passing of the older generation and its replacement by the younger. Oom ba ba ee ba, Oom ba ba ee ba...
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Personally I don't think Hollywood will exist. By that time it will be all VR and we can decide for ourselves what kind of virtual film we'd like to see ourselves in.

But imagine cinema prices a billion years hence!

Two coffees, a diet coke and a box of popcorn. That'll be $16 billion please.

Or a plate of nachos .:eek:
Hollywood? Just more explosions and cars 99-percent of us could never afford. Thank the Old Ones there's still a thing called independent film. At least for now.

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