Killjoys 2.01: Dutch and the Real Girl


Registered Alien
May 27, 2013
2.01 Dutch and the Real Girl
Back with a bang!
Great to see the team reunited with the rescue of D'Avin. Wish Clara and "Alice" had accepted Johnny's invitation to join, but Pree makes an excellent addition. He should get a lot more screen time than he did as the Old Town barkeep.
Interesting to learn that Khlyen answers to someone higher in the RAC. Lots of level 6 stuff to uncover this season, including D'Avin's apparent immunity to that green conversion juice they were pumping into his body.
Great News. I hope this show goes the distance.
REburg, bearing in mind your spoiler, could that imply that there is another organisation, equal to the sixes but on an opposite side that have "trained" D'Avin to be resistant?

I get the impression that Khlyen is not the bad guy we think he is.
REburg, bearing in mind your spoiler, could that imply that there is another organisation, equal to the sixes but on an opposite side that have "trained" D'Avin to be resistant?
Could go a lot of different ways -- training, genetics, switching out the green juice. Level 7s? :unsure:

I get the impression that Khlyen is not the bad guy we think he is.
Maybe more on the gray side than the dark side. Definitely bad-ass, though.
Bumping this. I wondered if anyone had seen any more of series 2.
Okay, I previously gave up on this but if you discerning folk like it I gave it a second try. Picked it up in season one episode five and suddenly it had matured. Just finished season one. See, I'm flexible. Will start season two soon.
I'm glad to see you stuck with it! Droflet. Yeah, it did mature very quickly and it looks like it's going somewhere as well.
This has a different feel to it to last season. They are more comfortable with the characters. Bigger ensemble cast. I'm sure we will see Alice again, and Fancy. New titles too. I agree that it was an action-packed 'bang' to start the new season.
After Khlyen put D'avin into the Red 17 program, I was quite surprised he was the one helping him escape. This was the moment when I realised I misjudged him.

You are right. They will be back later.;)
Bumping this as I have finally gotten around to watching season 2.
I did. Very much so as it takes off immediately where series one finished.

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