Killjoys 1.09: Enemy Khlyen


Registered Alien
May 27, 2013
1.09 Enemy Khlyen
Caramba! Only one more episode left in the season. Love this series. Hope that doesn't doom it for renewal.

Big reveal. Khlyen is level 6 RAC. Still obviously evil, his character has now taken on shades of grey. Will he continue to protect Dutch, or will he be willing to sacrifice her for “what's coming”?

Things are coming to a boil on Westerley with armed monks vs. company goons.

I think way too much is going on here to be resolved in the season finale. Another season or six coming?
Such a powerful dramatic episode.

All we know at this point is they have story material for 5 seasons -- but that doesn't mean they'll get the chance to produce it. I'd be very surprised if it isn't renewed, but then it wouldn't be the first time TV networks have got it wrong and cancelled a great show.
An entire show dedicated to me? Well, it's about time my genius was appreciated! Though they clearly need to update the synopsis. Right now it just lists a lot of tripe about bounty hunters and nothing about an overweight aspiring Scottish hack writer/part time serial killer. They also stuck in a bunch of fake photos from the Disney Channel version of Starship Troopers. Still, I have to admit it's refreshing to see a genre show where they chuck caution to the wind and let themselves use a whole three other shades from the John Lewis colour catalogue other than gunmetal grey and mopey pillock brown. Though I'll probably give the siffy channel a miss till they throw in the towel and buy a bloody spell checker.
Still, I have to admit it's refreshing to see a genre show where they chuck caution to the wind and let themselves use a whole three other shades from the John Lewis colour catalogue other than gunmetal grey and mopey pillock brown.
Yes, I did think that the evening dress was a little overdressing for the neural connector experiment.

A great penultimate episode that answered only enough to keep us guessing about the rest. Explains now why she gets away with breaking so many rules, so many times, without punishment. If I was the RAC head honcho guy, I'd also want to know why. I was surprised that they him off (if he is killed off, although a long knife right through his chest and out the other side didn't look like something you'd recover from.)

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