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Thrawn Trilogy vs. upcoming Thrawn novel (Star Wars)


Mar 14, 2017
Tumwater, WA
Unfortunately I haven't finished "The Last Command," (after all these years), but I have a general idea of what takes place. With Timothy Zahn's new book coming out, will it be a rewrite to go along with Disney's new story lines, or will it be in line with the Thrawn Trilogy? I had heard something a while back, but I don't recall where the new book would stand.

Unfortunately I haven't finished "The Last Command," (after all these years)
Don't feel bad, neither have I. A friend of mine raved about it, but I have just never taken the plunge. Not sure about the Disney take, they're currently running the Thrawn character on the Rebels TV series, so that might have some influence on the story. Disney seems to cherry-pick the EU, taking and re-shaping whatever they like.
I never read the old books, but since they went with the "new canon" I have been reading them as they come out. I recently read Thrawn and it was very good. From what I understand, a few elements are reused, but they have new ideas for his character.
Unfortunately I haven't finished "The Last Command," (after all these years), but I have a general idea of what takes place. With Timothy Zahn's new book coming out, will it be a rewrite to go along with Disney's new story lines, or will it be in line with the Thrawn Trilogy? I had heard something a while back, but I don't recall where the new book would stand.


It's part of the new canon. However, they have retained some elements from the old (such as the name of Thrawn's ship and his bodyguard), and most o of his backstory is the same. I believe the prologue to the new book is actually a short story Thrawn wrote in 1997 which has been repurposed.
This takes me back. I gave away most of my Star Wars books ages ago, but I'm pretty sure I kept the Thrawn trilogy (and the X-Wing ones).

Damned good character. Should've been in the films. Maybe he will be (perhaps a spin-off).
I had a big paperback clear-out the other year and about 20 to 30 Star Wars books went to the charity shop. I honestly can't remember whether I kept any but I suspect if I did they're the Thrawn trilogy and possibly the Jedi Academy trilogy. I loved the Thrawn books (and the later Thrawn duology) so it'll be great to see him make a comeback. He's definitely my favourite smurf.:D
Never read the duology. I did read at least some of the Jedi Academy stuff but it didn't grab me as much.

Some call him Strategy Smurf. Although those who do tend to end up very sadly accidentally stabbing themselves in the stomach whilst combing their hair.
