Tangent reviews by Victoria

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I have been accepted as a reviewer for Tangent, an online publication which reviews short stories, novelettes, and novellas of speculative fiction. I'll provide a link to my first review when it appears. Here's the zine:

Tangent: the genre's premiere review magazine for short SF & Fantasy since 1993

Many thanks to J-Sun for the suggestion that I apply!

Congratulations, Vic! I know better than anyone what a boon you'll be for them.

(You can see Vic's excellent work at the Journey here)
I started to read the Snodgrass story on Tor.com but was too dismayed by the following sentence to continue:

I'm your typical Englishman. A bit too skinny, rather horse faced, and I’ve got that prissy BBC accent

The truth hurts sometimes.
But it's not the truth and never was - the average English man or woman never had a prissy BBC accent for a start!
But it's not the truth and never was - the average English man or woman never had a prissy BBC accent for a start!
I'm not sure. The author of the story, Melinda M. Snodgrass, is American, and I'm struggling to think of any English regional accent which wouldn't sound "prissy" when compared in isolation. And I still think we're all ugly compared to them and a good number of other peoples. Maybe I should stop comparing.

That description just seemed fantastically rude and sterotypical when I first read it but then I realised - this is how Americans see us. This is how we are.

Basically, that story didn't do a whole lot for my confidence. That's my review, Victoria.
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