Why Do You Think Star Wars Endures ?


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
What are the quartiles that makes it special ? Why does it continue to be popular ? and can you imagine a time when it will not be popular and fade away ? Or Is Star Wars Forever ?

What impact do you think it's had and continues to have on films television and science fiction and fantasy literature ?

Thoughts ?:)
In A Thread... Far Far Away...

Because its Star Wars.

Because its a classic telling of The Hero's Journey, and the story of a "chosen one" and "good vs evil" is always appealing.

Because Light saber's and droids rock.

They almost killed it with Jar Jar Bink's, but no, Star Wars will continue to endure.
Wen I first saw the original in 1977 It's just blew me away . The film was flat out fun to watch , the story, production and special effects, was unlike anything i had ever seen before. It left me want more.:)

Of the original Trilogy the second film Empire was by far the best film. It more serious and Darker in tone then the first film and of course it had the wise Yoda , the Ghost go Obi wan, the Saber rule between Luke and Vader and the Darth Vader Luke Skywalker family connection. A great film. (y):)
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I did read the novelization to the first 3 films and liked them. I also like Splinter of the Minds Eye written by Alan Dean Foster (y)
Like the countless Rocky, Die Hard and Lethal Weapon sequals, people will keep going back to try and recapture their excitement at the original films. Nostalgia is a powerful emotion.

Star Wars sequels will continue to be popular, like Twinkies and boy bands. But movie fans would be much better served if Hollywood created new worlds, instead of recycling 1970s sci fi concepts endlessly.
If I remember correctly, Lucas originally wanted to do a Flash Gordon film.
The unexpected success and profitability of Star Wars at 20th Century Fox at box was not lost on the other studios, they all their own profitable science fiction franchise.
Because it's set in a galaxy far far away ? :)
Timing is a big factor.

I was 7 years old when i went to see it at Leicester Square and it just hooked me in. I faded in my late teens, but Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire books brought me back in to the fold.

I also read that cinema in the 70's was in decline and Star Wars just revitalised how movie goers view cinema.

Merchandising has kept Star Wars in the zeitgeist, especially with the rise of nostalgia, I think. I've been a Star Wars collector since 1977.

A simple story well told. Helped by copious amounts of skill in areas such as sound, music, make-up, costumes and special effects.
It used to be the special effects, but now just the universe it created with whatever content can be reskinned and shown again. This is not a disadvantage if many viewers worldwide are young and don't know much about the earlier films, and necessary if franchise holders need to milk their IP for all they got.

Similar is done with other franchises, including Star Trek, Mad Max, and Alien.
Because with the Star Wars franchise, Lucas built a really good movie mousetrap. :D
It’s the Lore

I can rewatch the first t 3 films endlessly .:)

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