7.06: The Walking Dead - Swear


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

Tara (Photo by Gene Page/AMC)

A new community is discovered
It's better this way. Those ho participates in the war with the Saviors aren't going to be victims of Negan's rise to the dominance of Savior's, but the men with united front of putting down the terrorism of biggest bully in The Walking Dead history.

I think AMC has done a remarkable job on making this series to be such an icon in the realm of survival science-fiction. There are things that Mr Kirkman forgot while he was in the job of producing the original run, and this episode is out from the norm. It is too beautifully crafted for being part of the series, but yet, it so elegantly fit in the big picture. Almost as if it was meant to be so.

Which raises a question in my feverish mind: Is this island group going to be come in the play later on, because it is not unlike Rick couldn't form a relationship and railroad people to safety?

I understand perfectly well that Tara might never reveal the secret. Yet, knowing how brutal it has been for other people, she might not have a choice but seek safe-harbour from the sh1tstorm. What Tara doesn't understand at the moment, and probably for a long while, is that she's now their ambassador.

The new community, without naming names, or showing picture can provide so much even if it remains a secret for rest of the season. It's just, when you as a writer present this sort of thing, it is expected for you utilise it at some point in near future, as Chekov's gun demans.

So, who really know other than AMC's people what will happen with the information. Is it closed and banned subject, or will they play a role somepoint down the line, just like Tara did with her second own episode in the series.

Sorry I cannot write more. This day, writing two episodic reviews and doing all caring work on top that while I'm feeling sick sucks, a lot. Hopefully I will be better tomorrow.
I don't doubt that Tara's island adventure will tie into the overall story when the time comes for all the victimized communities to ally against Negan and the Saviors (sounds like a band name :)). Otherwise, this episode was pretty much a waste of time in a series that runs such short seasons.
Tara will have no choice but to reveal the existence of these warrior women. It's the only group that currently remains armed.
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At first glance this episode seemed pointless but I think the ocean side Amazons will be Pivotal In the downfall of the saviours. They may be scared of them but the hatred will over come the fear. They have suffered more than the Alexaderian's, all males over 10 destroyed, doesn't take a genius to work out the females were destined to be a harem for the saviours.

The fear of discovery will lead to action and maybe an alliance
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So we're treading water again with yet another plotline to keep up with.

I don't think so. They closed one that nobody remembered, and they left this open just like they did with the truck.

The fear of discovery will lead to action and maybe an alliance

Problem is that Tara isn't saying anything. She isn't giving out the location of that black duffle bag, which most probably contains something really useful. Despite Roseta freaking out, if they really need weapons Rick has best knowledge on where to acquire them through his law enforcement background. There are simply too many guns in States for them being rare scavenging items, even those Amazons had managed to gather quite large arsenal after they found the island sanctuary.
If they are going to spread their net wide with lots of different groups as they seem intent on doing, AMC need to start mixing up the stories a bit. Completely focusing on one place for an entire episode means that you are going to have wait 4 or more episodes to find out what happened next, in a series of 14 episodes that's not going to work. I could live with the Carol / Morgan episode (it's Carol!), and just about survive the Daryl episode, but Tara is not a big character and could not carry the entire episode on her own. I literally thought of going to bed half way through this episode, and that's a first for me. I know it's all a setup for what's to come but I'm starting to think that what's to come might not be until next season at the earliest at this rate!
I know it's all a setup for what's to come but I'm starting to think that what's to come might not be until next season at the earliest at this rate!

In the original run there was "March to War" before it went totally nuts. But I have to agree with you, this isn't making much of a sense in weekly runs, as these sort chained together individual stories work much better in a binge-watching session.
Still, TWD doesn't suffer as much from character-overload as Game of Thrones, and those are only 10-episode seasons. While it sometimes saddens me when a GoT character gets whacked, I also think "hey, now all the survivors may get another 60 seconds to advance their storylines."
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This was a pretty good espisode overall as the plot was good. It does still delay the main story further so I presume Tara will mention this group or go back before long. Discussing them for an episode and then not again would seem a bit wasteful for the story. With knowledge of all the guns they had I think Tara will have to backtrack and tell someone. Though Rick's group would not be able to take the guns without losing people, and getting an alliance would obviously be extremely tough. These people have given up trying to face Negan. Actually maybe Heath will figure something out about what happened.

Normally episode 8 is before the season break and is exciting. So we should expect episode 7 or at least episode 8 to have more going on. If not there might be a significant number of viewers not returning next year.
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I found the episode the weakest of the season so far.

Random Thoughts:

The idea that Tara and the new girl Syndee could beat those two seasoned women to the bridge (which they knew where it was) seemed ridiculous. Especially with how long it took to catch up. On the TTD episode afterwards Alana kept mentioning how she was super fast and it seemed like an in joke (maybe because she looks easily the slowest runner on the show.)

We will definitely see them again, the few second shot at their armory confirmed that for me even if I doubted beforehand.

The duffel bag on the bridge surely has something good in it.

Syndee is a ridiculously good shot - Sasha level good, another sniper?

The two strongarm women fail by allowing Tara to escape.

I don't like fish so I wouldn't stay.
Yeah I think if only one guard had been with Tara it would have seemed more reasonable. Both of the guards/escorts walking around separately and both getting knocked out was a bit much. They made quite an effort before that to show Tara as someone who is unfit, struggling to run for long.
Yeah I think if only one guard had been with Tara it would have seemed more reasonable. Both of the guards/escorts walking around separately and both getting knocked out was a bit much. They made quite an effort before that to show Tara as someone who is unfit, struggling to run for long.
Speaking as a strong contender for official spokesman of the unfit, I think I could run a respectable distance if immediate death was my only alternative. :D
Not too sure why but I enjoyed this episode. Heath and Tara were never my favourite characters and so I watched this with a slight trepidation. Tara carried it.

I thought the story of the Saviors lining all males over ten up and shooting them was as horrifying as anything in the first episode.

Also that arsenal is going to come into play big time.

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