Looking for a book: colonists find abandoned worlds, tech left behind


New Member
Sep 6, 2016
I am looking for a Sci Fi novel. found it...briefly..online and lost it. The plot is about groups of colonists from earth, who discover a bunch of habitable worlds...all filled with advanced technology..But the inhabitants are gone. No one knows what happened to the native alien race. More and more colonists come from earth to the abandoned worlds....not sure what happens next.
Thanks for your help!
That's a big ask FosterD, I can think of many, many novels/shorts that have a very similar plot, can you narrow it down just a tiny bit?

I'd agree with Zalty - can you give us something like how old the book is? Intended audience? That sort of thing. All I can think at this stage is that it might be an Andre Norton book since a lot of her fantasies and sci fi's both had this sort of theme of ancient civilizations with either powerful magic or tech.

Cheers, Greg.
second and final guess - Fortunes Rising : Outer Bounds #1 by Sara King
My favorite series on this theme is the Heritage Series by Charles Sheffield, where an ancient race called the Builders leave a set of artifacts (big and verrry big) scattered across the galaxy.
Bit new though isn't it? it was only published 5 days before the query

Well the OP only said he spotted it online. It could have been a list of new releases he was looking at but then lost the link ( happened to me a good few times )
You are correct zaltys13, I buy all Reynolds on pre-order and then drop everything and read it when it is released, same with Revenger but I see your point that the query post was older than 5 days
