C. S. Lewis on The Hobbit in manuscript


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
Lewis wrote on 4 Feb. 1933 to his boyhood friend Arthur Greeves:

"Since term began I have had a delightful time reading a children's story which Tolkien has just written. I have told of him before: the one man absolutely fitted, if fate had allowed, to be a third in our friendship in the old days, for he also grew up on W[illiam] Morris and George Macdonald. Reading his fairy tale has been uncanny--it is so exactly like what we wd. both have longed to write (or read) in 1916: so that one feels he is not making it up but merely describing the same world into which all three of us have the entry."

I'm quoting from the collection of Lewis's letters to Greeves, They Stand Together. The letter should also be found in the appropriate volume of The Collected Letters, but I don't have those at hand.

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