August 2016 75-word Writing Challenge -- VICTORY TO STILLEARNING!

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Well, somebody has to arrange the matches

Hubert stopped at the red light.

“Bet you’re a Libra,” said the light. “Law-abiding. You married?”

“No,” said Hubert, confused.

“Filter’s on green. Go left.”

“But I – ”

“Sorry, left only.”

Hubert went left. The next lights took him right. The third set, right again. The fourth stopped him alongside a mini; its driver looked bewildered.

“Ariadne’s a single Libra, too,” said the red light. “Get to know each other. You’re going nowhere for a while.”
The Beaten and the Free

The metal horses snorted and settled into their stables, their pistons slowing as the fires in their bellies died out.

A gentleman yelled, throwing his silver and mounting a horse.

"Sorry sir, we're closed."

"It's not a request."

Sorell sighed. Losing this job would mean losing his house, but for each horse harnessed by steam, his heart ached. To know their names was enough to free them, and he had kept quiet for long enough.

Beanstalk market, everything purveying
Ben and Chas run hostelry
At their birth (or hatching) fashion's saying
Virtue names instate their quality
So each youth or maiden determines
To go as far from their label as they can
Chastity a hub of STDs and vermin
BenEvolence takes care in beneviolence
An entire class seeks depredation
Here, where space touches Earth's surface,
Where all the system passes to vacation
Facilitators define where the Earth is.
Eating Out​

It was freezing, was glad when I reached the restaurant. Although you think they would clear away the beggars, annoying having to push through slimy insectiods. Up to me I would spray the lot of them but no the liberal mayor has declared they are equals.

" Evening sir, your table is ready"
" Chitter, chatter"
" Sharp, are you aware some of the beggars have got inside ?"
" Beggars? No Sir John, these are paying guests"
The Shadows Of Silence

Through library reference stacks I followed cloying "mist", a stranglehold on my sackclothed Deliverance. Echoing silence pooled emotions into those dusty tomes. Power.
Eyes tearing from brimstone, patrons exit with my glib explanation, "gas leak".

A paper thin black and white shadow engulfed schoolchildren, silence.
I released the Grail, "For Arthur and Glastonbury!" Invoking blessed light, cleaving shadow.
The children laughed, feeling His touch. "My faithful servant, Jean..."
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A Furry Friend

The strange cat rubbed against Malcolm’s legs, ginger ears flattened against white fur.
“What do you want?”
The cat danced around then stood expectantly by the iron yard gate.
Malcolm hesitated. It wasn’t his yard. Still, must be where the cat lived right? He pushed and it swung open. The cat raced away purring and he smiled. Nice to do someone a favour.
It wasn’t until he was around the corner that the screaming started.
My Kinda Gal.

Kindness is as kindness does, they say. She told me she was getting the therapy and I stepped in.

I call it help.

Sure, she might still want her hair. But I left her brains. That's what matters, innit, what you are inside?

I gave her this, at least - she won't never die. My perfect girl. In a glass on my sideboard, talking and singing.

And telling you stories.

If you believe her.
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