Disney in panic over Rogue One?

From everything I've seen there Rogue One isn't bad, but if Disney bosses has chosen reshoots then so be it. Who are we to complain? I personally had things I would have done differently in last movie, but just like it is with Clone Wars or Rebels, everything cannot be good. All the time.
Seems to me that studios love to meddle with the process.
They ordered re-shoots on Suicide Squad as well, to change the mood.
Read the script, hire the director, and get what you ask for. Not, do it, but now, how about this instead?
Studios trying to change vision is what killed Firefly ... I'm just saying. (Not to mix properties and all).
Geekritique, a blog i follow on wordpres has a more benign opinion of the re shoots. Peronally, i like the idea of a darker tone.

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Those ‘Rogue One’ Reshoots

He essentially states that the movie execs thought that the current cut was tonally not in keeping with the Star Wars movies and have asked for the reshoots to provide a little levity. I would imagine that with the recent announcement of the Han Solo casting, they may be keen to add him to the movie.
They didn't shoot the final script. Hence the problem. JJA called back to act as an executive producer over the reshoots. I feel sorry for the prop guys.

Some feared the worst when rumors started swirling about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story having to undergo drastic reshoots, but if the news we're hearing now is accurate, the situation doesn't seem near as dire.

According to Makingstarwars.net sources, the general feeling around the reshoots internally is positive, and not a complete mad scramble. Those sources also say that Director Gareth Edwards is doing the reshoots side by side with Writer Christopher McQuarrie, who's final script is the one that the studio thought was superior to the original.

That new script is part of the reason the film was called "uneven" in its first cut, as McQuarrie's new script wasn't completed until after the first run had already been shot. When new drafts did come in, they would shoot those, and that led to the problem they have now. They are now adapting everything to that draft, hence the reshoots, which are supposedly totaling at least 40% of the film according to members of the crew.

Other tidbits include that 32 different sets have been recreated for the shoots and that the crew is working 6 days a week for 8 weeks to get it all done. Also, Director of Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens J.J. Abrams will reportedly be supervising the reshoots, to make sure the films coalesce as a whole.
More Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Reshoot Details Revealed
As I have said in another thread: Star Wars Rouge One is the first stand alone Star Wars film so it has a lot of pressure. I am not so sure how well star wars will do or why they even went with the rouge one story in the first place. There are much more well known stories they could have done, although I guess they are trying to make it for a broader audience. Like Marvel did with Iron Man. Who the heck heard of Iron Man before that?? Very few people, and now he is one of the most well known super heroes. However, I am very nervous about the franchise and regardless of what fanboys say these reshoots seem weirdly bad to me.

Star Wars VII was fun, nostalgia and not much else. Disney's real test with Star Wars will come with Rouge One, and depending on how well that does, they can have unlimited resources for stories. Rouge One success = tons of star wars films and possible phases in the star wars universe. Rouge One Failure = up to Star Wars IX and possibly a few more flicks but that's it. There will always be that fan base that loves the original series and nothing else! Which hurts it. So I wonder what numbers Disney expects Rouge One to make? As it's not guaranteed to capture all of the star wars fanbase.
I feel slightly blessed when I see reactions to this kind of news. Whilst I'm totally on board with the 'stop meddling' wish for studios, I've yet to be disappointed in Star Wars. I'll go on record as saying I loved the prequels, Rebels, Clone Wars (all versions of the cartoons), the OT and the new one. I was five when I first saw 'A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far Far Away... and so any SW franchise gets an almost Pavlovian reaction from me.*

When I saw the trailer for Rogue 1, I was delighted. If it had been lovey-dovey I would have been okay, if it had been Breaking-Bad-dark I would have been okay. I never get how people can accept some things in SW at the expense of others. We have Donald Trump don't we? And BoJo, and golf, and pancake day, and carol singing, and a multitude of other odd idiosyncratic ticks, so for me Jar Jar, Hux, Vader, 3Po can all co-exist as far as I'm concerned. I wonder what, then, it was that made the execs so antsy. We have implied incest in the second movie! Patricide, attempted infanticide, and if Ren gets his way, unclecide or whatever that is called.


* I am not a fan of two dreadful sequences, however - C-3PO's animation comedy stuff in the Droid Foundry on Geonosis (his manner is stiff, so why animate his movements into such fluidity?) and those stupid monsters Han and Chewie are hauling on their freighter. Rathgars, is it?

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