Anthony Ryan


pixie druid
Staff member
May 4, 2005
I may live in Yorkshire but I'm a Scot
I have just recently discovered Anthony Ryan. The first book Blood Song is centred on the main character Vaelin Al Sorna, who as a young boy was given to the sixth order, trained in weapons and survival a defender of the faith. A harsh and brutal upbringing but not cruel. He is telling his life story to a script/ historian and it is a riveting read,

My problem is with the second book Tower Lord, it covers multiple POV's, now normally I enjoy multiple POV's but this doesn't flow right, seems rather disjointed I find myself switching off at times. Hopefully, the third book in the series will be more to the standard of the first.
I read most of Blood Song but thought it was overrated seeing as it got rave reviews. The story only really slightly picked up near the 75% mark but by then I couldnt care.
I loved the first book. Dove right in and seemingly in an eyeblink came up at the end of the book.

The second book was riveting, as well, though slightly harder because of the interweaving story strands and POVs.

I am on the third installment now. This I found very hard to get into, not least because of the long time I waited for it. One tends to forget the intricacies of plot and the characters and who did what or the why of it.

However, after a hundred pages or so the story started to breathe and live again in my mind.

One caveat, though: The third book is even less about Vaelin than the second, so that might be a bit of a disappointment. I know it is for me.
