Three-Legged Improv

A hatchet, A midwife, A 70s cop drama:

"Oh, and one more thing," said the dishevelled detective, pausing in the doorway, "did you say you used the forceps for Mrs McGillycuddy's delivery?"
Struck by sudden panic, Eva grabbed the hatchet off the ironing board and hurled it through the television screen with a deafening crash. There was a knock on the door.

A gnu, an accountant, a generation ship.
A gnu, an accountant, a generation ship.

Wiszroy had never seen a workspace as grand as prime accountant Hiboblat Squolwelch's office. It must have been at least three times as big as any other office on the Marquis of Roxbury. Which wasn't to say it was a particularly big room - compared to the mess hall or the bridge it was a mere filing cabinet - but it had space for a faux-leather chair and a table with an actual gooseneck lamp on it that gently trembled with the low hum of the generation ship's engines. It was the kind of room Wiszroy dreamed of.

Hiboblat who had barely acknowledged the young prognosticator's presence laid down his pen and picarded his brow.

"You look tense, Mr Squolwelch,"said Wiszroy, "would you like me to pour you a glass of soylent?"

"No time!" replied Hiboblat,"if I need liquids, I'll order a drip."

Wiszroy placed the lever arch folder in his arms into a large tray marked "IN" in bold, san-serif letters. "If I may ask, Sir. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Hiboblat sighed, "Not unless you have a magic ledger tucked up your sleeve."

"I don't follow you, Sir."

"Savings, man, savings!" Hiboblat banged his fist on the desk and Wiszroy jumped. "Oh now look what you made me do. Two 'savings' when I only needed one. This kind of redundancy is exactly what caused the Evergrande to collapse."

"If you will forgive me, Sir, I thought the root cause of the Evergrande catastrophe was due to badly enacted tax and spend policies causing--"

Hiboblat scowled Wiszroy into silence.

"Sorry, Sir."

"You don't need to address me as Sir in each sentence. It wastes time. Once is enough to show respect."

"Yes, er, sorry, umm."

"Savings--" Hiboblat glared.

"Wiszroy. Prognosticator, level three, Si-- umm"

"Wiszroy, yes. Well, if we don't find something to cut then the economy of the Marquis of Roxbury could co-- fail just like the Evergrande or the Brainbow. But where? This is the point."

Wiszroy rubbed the tip of his nose with his thumb and fingers as he thought. Thanks to Hibboblat and the hard work of his fiduciary prognosticators, they had refined each and every productive process on the ship until every element was as efficient as the laws of physics would allow. The generation ship's sub light engines were running at ninety eight percent efficiency, food production and waste treatment were so in sync that people barely noticed they were eating last night's meals. Even the messy business of making babies had been refined from wham bam, thank you ma'am down to a mere wham! Every ounce of economic fat had been stripped from the ship's societal bones, yet Hiboblat was still not satisfied.

"If I may ask--"

"Of course you may! You'd be out otherwise!"

"Oh. Are you sure you need to cut anything at all? The treasury must surely understand--"

"The treasury have nothing to do with it! We're talking macromicronomics."

"Which means?"

"G'lord! What are they teaching you in the academy?"

"Well, the budget for advanced prognostication was cut before I graduated, so I majored in econethical studies."

"You're at least familiar with Chaos Theory?"

"That each and every action, no matter how small, sets in motion a chain of events that has an utterly unpredictable outcome?"

"Yes would have been acceptable. Well, what does that tell you?"

"That it's not possible to control events due to the large number of variables involved?"


"That no matter how well oiled a machine is it will inevitably succumb to inertia."

"Which means--"

"Collapse is inevitable?"

Wiszreoy didn't follow the logic of the conversation, but Hiboblat seemed to be steering him towards the answer he wanted. If it was impossible to predict an outcome, how could it be inevitable? More so, what did this have to do with finding savings? Had he lost his mind? No, he was the prime. Best to avow to his expertise. Besides, Wiszreoy was feeling hungry and lunch time was approaching.

Wiszreoy pulled his tablet from his chest and switched it on. The screen jumped into life with the friendly gnu logo

"I'm sorry Si-, er, sirrump, I have a meeting request from--"

"What's that?"

I held up the tablet. "This? It's a tablet, same as your--."

"No, that." He pointed to the gnu logo.

"This? It's a logo. For the operating system."

"Gnu..." Hiboblat stroked his chin, "What does it mean."

"It's open source. It's developed free of charge by volunteers who can work on the software in their spare time."

"Any what do they get in return for developing this?"

"Nothing, Sir," Wizseroy flinched but continued, "it's free."

"Clarify. The developers aren't paid for their labour in any way?"

"That's correct."

Hiboblat's eyes sparkled with glee. "Yes, open source. That's... delightful. Wiszeroy you may have just saved this ship." He began to roll up his sleeve. "I think I'm ready for that soylent now."

An unstoppable, flailing cyborg. A selection of delicious candy. Romance.
An unstoppable, flailing cyborg. A selection of delicious candy. Romance.

She was outside her hut flailing the rice harvest when he sneaked up behind her and popped a rosewater-flavoured chocolate in her mouth. Which was sweet, but sadly she got so flustered she forgot to switch off the automated flail attachments on her modular arms. When she hugged him, it raised welts.

A lion. A witch. A boardroom.
A lion. A witch. A boardroom.

Hirosho was the CEO, all eyes should've been on him, yet for some reason, everyone in the meeting was spellbound by the new girl. Yukira Imamage charmed the board with her unabashed confidence and bedazzled them with her 3rd quarter profit margin strategies.

It wasn't until after she convinced the room to have Hirosho fed to the lions, that they realized they had been manipulated by a witch.

Armor, A merchant, Mystery
Armor, A merchant, Mystery

Ole Gill Mcinnerny was a terrible merchant. Over the years he'd eek'd out a meagre existence merching all over Rampantootia, moving from city to city trying to hock his wares on the doorsteps of serf and lord alike. In that time he'd sold all manner of enchanted gizgogs -- self-cleaning broomsticks, impenetrable underwear, like potions and many more. Yet none had brought him wealth, fortune or the fitting wife he deserved. Time was ticking away and Gill had lost hope he would ever make it.

One day he happened upon a rich merchant setting up camp at a crossing on the old Galumpfoville road. He watched in awe as the rich man set out his stall. Intrigued, he approached and started to browse the rich man's wares.

"Can I 'elp ee, squire?" said the rich man, waving a hand bedecked with the finest gold rings money could buy.

"Just looking," said Gill. Then, he spotted an gold necklace hanging from a jewellery tree behind the counter and moved in for a closer look.

"Like 'at 'un do yuh? Right beauty that' un. Used to belong to a warlock out marsh way. Funny fella 'e was. Gambled som'ink rotten, though."

"Yes, it's rather lovely. How much does something like that go for?"

The rich man appraised Gill with his eye and appeared to be doing some calculations, then he said, "Twelve poond."

"Twelve pounds!" Gill in all his life had never seen anything worth twelve pounds that hadn't come attached to a member of the nobility or crooked Gam Samgee from Norton.

"Worth e'ry penny tha' tis. Finest quality craftsmernship."

"I'm sure, but still... twelve pounds!"

"Well 'f that not bein' your proice range, how's about some'ink like this." The rich man suddenly pulled on a curtain and revealed an open box, in which was a fine golden suit of armour. "24 carrots o' pure gold that 'un."

Gill's eyes boggled at the sight of this rare artifact. In the case the armour glistened with the light of the setting sun. In Gill's mind angel choirs sang an unearthly melody.

"Try 'ton if yuh like."

"I couldn't possibly. Even for a moment. Not in my wildest dreams could I aff--"

"'Ood be surprised, young zir, wot 'ee could afford. Won't do no 'arm in givin' it a lil try now would it?"

"Well I suppose--"

The rich man helped Gill into the armour. It went on surprisingly easily and seemed to fit him like a glove. Inside it was as warm and soft as it was bright and resplendent.

"Oh God in heaven! I never imagined anything could feel so-- oh! It's so comfortable!" It was painful to take it off. Not physically, but in the brief moments Gill had the gold the armour it had felt like a second skin. Now deprived, he felt naked.

"Well? What 'ee think?"

"What do I think? What do you think I think?"

"Wulp, if oi'm as good a judge o'er man as oi think oi am, oi'd say you right loike it then."

Gill laughed at the absurdity of the statement. "Of course I like it. But, how could I not feel now poorer for having tried it on?"

"If 'oo forgive the question, loike. But oi reckon..." the rich man paused, pondering again, "oi could part ways with it for one o' em gizzgogs you got in that there cart of yours."

"I beg your pardon."

"What 'oo got? Oh a memory file, could come in 'andy tha'."

"Are you feeling well?"

"Well as wa'er, if 'oo'll mine the pun."

"This is a joke?"

"Deadly seriouz."

"But why on earth would you part with.. I mean look at it, there must be a thousand pounds worth o' gold in there."

"'Tain't up to me, squire. Armour's spoken."

"The armour's spoken? What do you mean the armour's spoken?"

"Well, there 'ee go again, squire. Truth be told it's a bit o'er mystery to meself, too."

A space infantryman, running out of time, a rocky moon
Pte. Staunton -UN Obs. Luna Neova/ Recorded Sol 388
Observed six alliance bulk carriers land. Believe an invasion force is being assembled. Cannot access landing site using surface transport. Have requested aerial support.

Pte. Staunton -UN Obs. Luna Neova/ recorded Sol 389
Observed three further alliance bulk carriers landing. Large amount of activity close to South Pole. Terrain is too rocky for the vehicle. Request for aerial support was denied. Resubmitted the request, and included a request for reinforcements.

Pte. Staunton -UN Obs. Luna Neova/ Recorded Sol 390
Continued alliance activity at or near South Pole. Requests for aerial support and reinforcements denied. Received budget approval for one aerial reconnaissance vehicle. Ordered aerial reconnaissance vehicle.

Pte. Staunton -UN Obs. Luna Neova/ Recorded Sol 391
Outgoing rockets originating from South Pole. Believe invasion of Terra Neova is currently underway. Received notice that the order for an aerial reconnaissance vehicle was approved. Received further notice that its delivery will be scheduled within half a planetary cycle.

Spoon, tobacconist, space opera
Spoon, tobacconist, space opera

Fernand Mustache, the colony ship /Humpback/'s greatest authority on pipeweed, was wowing the audience in his little shop on Deck 5,417. "Now, this little beauty is what the Ancients called a 'snuff spoon'. Made of real silver. What you do, see, is you take your snuff-box-"

Klaxons sounded the five tremendous honks of a Code Vermillion alert. The intercom cut in. "Passengers, please return to your quarters. We are under attack by Chfftikk'ly Asteroid Raiders. Again. Also, we've lost a critical part of the 'on' switch for the ship's defence system. Would any of you happen to have a piece of pure silver, about 10 centimetres long, with a bowl-shaped tip? Thank you."

Fernand Mustache sighed a heavy sigh.

Bluebird, messenger, grimdark fantasy
Bluebird, messenger, grimdark fantasy

Blood stained the ice on the shore, and followed the man and his parcel to the tower.

'Yer wife's head's in the box,
her head's in the box,
her head's in the box,
her head's in the box', the bird had sung.

That was before it swooped near enough for the arrow to clip it's blue wings for all of time.
Eóin then shoved his crossbow into the courier's face; 'listen son, I don't give a sh*t who the message is from, or what it's about -take your package and fiddlesticks off ...yer getting blood all over my new patio.'

Teapot, Oceanographer, Crime reenactment
"I'm a little teapot, short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout."

Now, see here, Bucko. We've been deep-diving here for a week; we're a little tired; we're trying to get some sleep.

If you can't put a lid on this noisy foolishness; we're going to strap you to the outside of the Bathyscaphe and give you the Deep Six.

Seashore, Birder, Noir.
Seashore, birder, noir

The last human on Earth collapsed onto the road ...a life of wandering on a barren waterless world was ending.
Gumbellaw 'twitcher' McGonigle lay across the white center dashes of what had once been the Mullingar bypass, and looked up.
That was when he saw it; the first sign of hope in over sixty years.
The colour of the Puffin flashed against the grey sky. It too had found what it had been searching for. A black deep of a stretch of water, lined with fish ...where there is hope, there is life.
The bird then swooped into a dive. It smashed into one of the dashed lines. Gambellaw exhaled his final breath, and died.

Farrier, shovel, talent contest
Damnation Dave patted the horse, Android, on her thigh, giving her the signal to drop her hoof. The horse chuffed affectionately and trotted off to its stall leaving DD alone in the stables. It was already late and the rest of the horsing staff had returned to their monopods to tune in to the latest episode of "strictly, who wants to be a Neptunian Idol?" as was the custom of the time.

DD sighed. He'd never really wanted to be a farrier; the role was assigned to him by the career bot but, despite his aptitude for re-hoofing horses, and as much he loved the animals themselves, there was still a part of his soul that longed for more.

He picked up a shovel and started to scoop up the hay and horse poop, singing as he did so. Conscious that no one was around he got bolder and bolder, singing, with every ounce of his passion, a sad, sad song about a lonely Neptunian on a lonely hill singing a lonely song about loneliness. He picked up his shovel and used it as if it were a gigantic microphone, dancing and twirling to the beat. The melody seemed to well up from deep inside the pit of his stomach rising like a song bird taking flight up and out of him; the spirit of song embodied in a simple melody from a simple man.

Soon all the horses had lifted their heads and were swaying gently to the soul of music resting in the air. Their eyes glistened as though wet with tears.

It was late when he got home and sat in his regulation armchair, a prisoner to the mechanical beats and autotuned voices emerging from perfectly plastic faced entertainers on the Skinner box. He stared at the screen but his mind was elsewhere because, if only for a brief time this evening, he had known what it was like to be really and truly free.

A supervillain, Santa Claus, A neutronic ray gun
A supervillain, Santa Claus, A neutronic ray gun

"Ahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!" crowed Professor von Trapp as he ground the barrel of his neutron cannon through the old man's white beard. "Soon, Mr. Claus, I shall possess your power to travel millions of miles in a single night- and soon the world will lie helpless at my feet!"

"I think not," Santa replied calmly. "Your abominations of science have no power here. Candy canes, on the other hand...." There was a resounding CRACK! as an elf sniper took down the Professor with an expertly aimed hollow-core mint humbug to the left temple. "A shame," mused Santa. "Such a brilliant brain. If I could have harvested it, I might have learned much to aid my /own/ bid for world domination."

A reindeer, a drug dealer, a multi-storey car park.
Bearing in mind this challenge requires us to use the three elements in ONLY THREE SENTENCES (something I keep forgetting myself) here is my effort:-

Blitzen offered Donner the pack of white powder. “Your first sample is free, ‘cos I know you’ll be back for more: it’s genuine Tate and Lyle, the real deal - one lick of this and you’ll be flying! What’s more, to prove it I’m prepared to take some and jump off the top of this multi-storey car park with you - now you can’t say fairer than that!”

A life-size Christmas tree-shaped candle, a housekeeper from your own home town, a TV show.
Bearing in mind this challenge requires us to use the three elements in ONLY THREE SENTENCES (something I keep forgetting myself) here is my effort:-

Blitzen offered Donner the pack of white powder. “Your first sample is free, ‘cos I know you’ll be back for more: it’s genuine Tate and Lyle, the real deal - one lick of this and you’ll be flying! What’s more, to prove it I’m prepared to take some and jump off the top of this multi-storey car park with you - now you can’t say fairer than that!”

A life-size Christmas tree-shaped candle, a housekeeper from your own home town, a TV show.
Thanks for putting us back on track:

'Bonniconlon's got talent me hole, who's gonna clean up the mess when they're done filming?', snapped Mrs. Gillespie, 'muggins is who.'
'Pure TV trickery is all it is', she continued, 'look at that fella there, he'd barley climb to the upstairs of his house ...never mind time travel to the fourteenth century. There's nothing talented about any of it -they don't even have even real Christmas decorations, that tree's it's just a massive candle in disguise.'

Thermonuclear bomb, bike mechanic, infomertial
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Thermonuclear bomb, bike mechanic, infomertial:

"And now, a product recall notice," said the radio announcer. "All Neutron Rally 12B mountain bikes must be returned to the shop immediately, without repeat WITHOUT opening the sealed capsule with the radiation symbol attached to the downtube."

Sadly for London, the owner of Happy Harry's Bike Repairs was too busy whistling to hear.

Magic carpet, shopping mall, exterminator.
'So ...what you're saying is that every human heart is pre-set to beat 6.74 billion times, and after that it expires no matter how healthy the owner was -but thanks to the magical hydrombular properties contained in this rug the owner can raise their heartbeat quotient by a factor of nine!'

Carpet salesman Al Bundy felt full sure he'd just found his first buyer of the day.

'...well, I've got to say that's fascinating Mr. Bundy, but I'm only here about the rat problem.'

Swingball, Professional Tennis Player, Icelandic Folk Saga
Swingball, Professional Tennis Player, Icelandic Folk Saga

So Sigurd Sigurdsson took up the ball-flail again and rode the whale-road to the land of Gunar Gunarsson, there to confront his rival. But when he arrived he was dismayed, for Gunar showed him the field of battle. No sky-net was there, nor court-lines, nor any clean and Godly thing; but only a pole, and a rope, and a ball.

Witch, microwave, classic detective novel.
'The motives of witches are rarely, if ever, uncovered', said self appointed detective Bartley McGonigle to the bedraggled crowd when the dust settled.
'But it is clear', he continued, 'that we have been transported to a land which is distant in both place and time, as wages for our flesh torching efforts; something my keen sleuthing eye has deduced from the absence of mini moustaches sported by the staff of this kitchen. It is a land of strange devices and pitfalls, so let that be a lesson to us all -the heating box is not a suitable device for the cooking of eggs.'

Religious statue, Lift engineer, Disaster film
"Oh my God, we're all going to die!" screamed a man in the stricken elevator as the earthquake-ravaged building tilted another six inches.
Suddenly there was a tapping on the ceiling, and the terrified passengers heard a voice:
"Folks, I'm Chuck Idol, San Francisco's most celebrated lift engineer, and I'm going to get you out of there just as soon as the building has moved another couple of feet for dramatic effect!"

Cornish Pasty, Dog Catcher, Romantic Comedy
'Oh Geraldine, it's so great to finally have met you, I've been smelling your piss on this lamppost for days. Who'd have thought a rottweiler and a chihuahua could be good together'
'The chef over in Sam n Ella's pasty shop for one ...I heard the last hotdog he made got rounded up and stuck in the pound.'

Lamp, wildlife ranger, true crime drama

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