Titancon and Bristolcon - the inside stories

Jo Zebedee

Aliens vs Belfast.
Oct 5, 2011
blah - flags. So many flags.
okay, what I'm hoping with this thread (that I'll link to regularly from fb and twitter) is to give a low down of what it's like to be an author at your first convention. I could have done it on my blog but community engagement is more fun, and some of the more experienced conners like @Teresa Edgerton and @Jennifer L. Carson might have loads to put in.

It follows from this thread https://www.sffchronicles.com/threads/552277/, which was pretty informal, and I'm hoping to follow this format:

Today and Friday, some photos of the prep, some posting about what I'm planning to do etc, how I'm feeling (read for that, nervous).

Friday night, hopefully, if I'm not too tired, I'll post about the literature night, and try to get some photos of the great and good reading (although I've heard Joe Abercrombie read before, and I might be way too entranced to do anything).

Saturday, then, I might be quiet but if I can get logged on the odd time, I'll wave, and then I'll do a big post/s about how it all went - the panels, the craic, the looking around, the being a terrified minnow.

But I hope it won't just be me posting, but others, maybe with advice, guidance, snorting with laughter at my nerves, questions, comments on my new haircut (tis snazzy-ier than it was). So, join in, peeps!
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Okay, first thing - panels and preparation. I'm on four now - an additional one about to YA or not YA which, given the difficulties around Inish Carraig's demographs, I thought I'd enjoy. I can be the Eeyore in the corner.

What to wear? Do I go dressy or casual? My normal is a t-shirt and jeans. So, I'm wearing a t-shirt and jeans, but I have a t-shirt with the cranes that stand over Belfast on it, and a funky belt. Oh and a steampunky brooch I bought for next to nothing. So, that's it - funked up everyday casual. And I got my hair cut (which makes this a Big Event indeed.) Now, to wait and see if I look about right, or the heap in the corner. :D

Secondly, what to read? My last reading in Belfast was from Abendau's Heir but since several of my panels touch on its themes and, because it's to a Belfast audience, I've chosen something from Inish Carraig. And then... Disaster.

My kids came home from the biological cesspits of their respective schools with a cold three days ago. A cold that gives a rotten dry cough, the like of which it's hard to read out loud through. Especially if you're talking the next day, too. They then spluttered it everywhere and I caught it, and now can barely talk. Arguably a bonus...

Firstly, a quick cull of the reading - I'm now reading a scene and not a chapter. And, since I can't practice much, I'm going for the casual falling-over-my-words approach.

Tomorrow, I have the stock to sort out, and then it's up to town for the literature night. I'll get some pics up of the hairdo. :)
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Exciting! I hope your throat improves quickly... At least you won't catch the infamous 'con crud', since you're already bringing the crud to the con! :ROFLMAO:

Do keep up the updates, this sort of thing, like the snippets Jennifer and Teresa have already shared, are absolute gold. I love reading behind-the-scenes stories.
Cunning to be pestilent and avoid the full thing. Hope your larynx recovers. Sir Edric advises drinking a bottle of wine to bolster resolve and embolden the spirit, incidentally.
I'll see you at Titancon! There are new writer readings on Saturday at ten to the hour most hours. It strikes me as an odd scheduling, but Phil has asked if I'd like to do one, as I'm relatively new to prose. So I'll be reading from 'Flesh Mob' at 3:50.
I'll see you at Titancon! There are new writer readings on Saturday at ten to the hour most hours. It strikes me as an odd scheduling, but Phil has asked if I'd like to do one, as I'm relatively new to prose. So I'll be reading from 'Flesh Mob' at 3:50.

Ooooh, good luck. :) (I think I'm finishing a panel so might not get to it.) I think the panels all end at ten to the hour, so that might be the thinking on the readings?

The programme looks great though. I suspect I'll mostly be soaking it all in. I'll see you there!
Jo probably has that right - Bristolcon features readings between panels too; it's a good concept, rather than having one dedicated readings room. Good luck with your reading, andrewluke! I'll drop by here as much as possible, though may not have brilliant access due to aging netbook battery... really must think about packing clothes now... Fox Spirit Skulk t-shirt, Grimbold hoodie, Gollancz bag, that'll do, right? :)
Jo probably has that right - Bristolcon features readings between panels too; it's a good concept, rather than having one dedicated readings room. Good luck with your reading, andrewluke! I'll drop by here as much as possible, though may not have brilliant access due to aging netbook battery... really must think about packing clothes now... Fox Spirit Skulk t-shirt, Grimbold hoodie, Gollancz bag, that'll do, right? :)

I straightened my hair. :D I had to excavate the straighteners first, though.

I'll see about getting the thread changed to reflect both - it will be more fun that way and more lively, and the others going to Bristolcon can put in, too, and links to it can be made by you and others, with the title showing involvement. :)
I hear you oh mighty axeman. So, not afraid of loosing your sharp edge?

Jo just now, reading from Inish Carraig despite her rotten cold. Very well received too.
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