Posting Wisdom on Your Desk, Office Door, etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
You put that thought-provoking sentence or paragraph someplace where you'll see it often -- and maybe where you hope others will see it and be stopped in their tracks. Here's a place to post such things for Chrons people to see.

On my office door I've posted a clutter of things, among which are these:

"The volume and depth and intensity of the world is something that only those on foot will ever experience."
-- Werner Herzog

"...propaganda was not intended to persuade, much less to inform, but to humiliate. For this reason the less true it was, the better, for by not only forbidding contradiction to its claims but demanding assent to them, the human being's sense of independence and worthiness as an individual was destroyed from within, as it were, gnawed away until it no longer existed."
-- Anthony Daniels

VULGARITY is “the impulse to submit the rich substance of human experience, sentiment, value and aspiration to a radically reductive leveling or simplification; the urge to assault the validity of sustained gradings and discriminations of value, so that in some extreme instances the concept of vulgarity is dismissed as up-tight or a mere mask for repressiveness.”
--Irving Howe

"…..conservatism, in the sense of conservation, is of the essence of the educational activity, whose task is always to cherish and protect something… [education exists] to preserve the world against the mortality of its creators and inhabitants. [The teacher is responsible] to mediate between the old and the new, so that his very profession requires of him an extraordinary respect for the past."
--Hannah Arendt

I wouldn't be surprised if one could compile quite a Chrons Anthology of thoughtful comments.
I have been tempted to put clever bons mots up on my office door over the years, however I am afraid that it just has the following sign pemanently attached:

Conference Call In Progress. Do Not disturb.
I had that old classic pinned to my desk,
Non illigitamus carborundum
Wanting to streamline my desk, in particular my correspondence trays, I put the stickers with Action and In on the same tray.

Unfortunately, I didn't put the stickers in that order, and the rest (not to mention the contents of the tray) is history....
I don't have an office door, but I have had this on the wall by my desk for a while now:


I'm not entirely sire it's wisdom though...
