Half a War - Joe Abercrombie

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Anyone read Half a War yet? If so, what did you think?

I'm currently holding out for the ebook price to fall, but expect to get it later this year. :)
Hey Brian. I have about 60 pages left in it. I like it, but the first two had a more fun Quest type of story and this one is lacking that. Much of it also feels quite rushed, like there maybe could have been another book in there. It is good though, and I have enjoyed the series quite a bit.
I thought it was ace, finally a trilogy that finally wraps itself up without any problems (for me anyway). I could see a second trilogy spin off, but the book takes all those aspects from the first two books and neatly finishes itself off without any stupid plot devices (although some brilliant twists!). My only problem with this book was that there were maybe so many characters from the first two books (plus new ones) that some of the characters that I would have liked to have seen more of did not feature as prominently as others...
Finished the trilogy and generally enjoyed it. Loved much of the prose, and there were so many great phrases I could have highlighted.

A part of me still thinks it was a mistake to have different POV characters for each book in the trilogy- that the story would have been stronger to keep with the same from the start. However, that's just a personal opinion.

Good to see a few surprises, and overall thought it a great trilogy.
Almost finished. I'm enjoying these MUCH more than his first series - maybe because I'm just more into dark age stuff than later influenced fantasy. I don't mind - in fact I like the changing POV. Its allowed him to shift (MINI SPOILERS!!!) Thorn and Yarvi from being very sympathetic characters in books 1 and 2 to a very dangerous ones with more questionable motives in book 3. I also think the fact that the POV characters are more sympathetic then those in Heroes, etc. I found myself reading Best Served Cold liking the story, but not liking any of the characters.
So I finished the trilogy and really enjoyed all 3 books. But the twist jarred me. I don't want to spoiler it here but the whole overall background to the world, well I ended up not liking it. It had been telegraphed from early in the first book I think, but even so... I appreciate this is very cryptic feedback but i don't want to give anything away!
I just bought this book for my kindle, the price came down by about $6. I have been putting off reading book 2 until this one was affordable for me so I can read 2 and 3 back to back
