5.05: Falling Skies - Non-Essential Personnel


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
The 2nd Mass leaves Chinatown en route to what they hope will be the final Espheni battle. Along the way, they encounter a deranged and desperate gunman who...
...takes Weaver hostage; Tom sets out to rescue Hal.
Okay, I've watched this now. Tom had a clear shot at Pope from about six foot away. There is no way that he would have missed him. Just kill the crazy man and move the story on! And where did Pope get all those followers from? Who would actually follow him once they had met him?

Again, with the B-story, why risk any more deaths or injuries. They must have rocket launchers. If not then the Volm could hit the building. Just blow up that block and move on. Maybe there really was a family in there or, maybe they were in body bags, they started firing first so that would be their just rewards. You can't risk the defeat of the Espheni for this kind of melodrama.

Another week when nothing happened towards the ultimate goal, and now a Black Hornet has carried Tom away.

On the other hand, I have to say it was action packed, exciting and thoroughly watchable. In fact, it is a completely different show from S3 and S4 when all the mystical hippy stuff came in, culminating in their flight to the Moon. My son stopped watching it in S3 and I expect many other people did. I've been trying to tell him it has changed but he doesn't believe me.
So, Pope had saved a few isolated people, gathered followers; but he wanted only those able to fight, he told those he considered weak to leave.
After Pope's killing several people he deemed unfit to fight or otherwise liabilities (I think 1 had been injured in battle), & Pope being shot in the stomach, I was half expecting one of Pope's followers would have used his own line about nonessential people or those unable to fight & have killed him. But then, it seems Pope must remain, at least in the background, an ever-present threat, needed to increase tension, if nothing else.
Another week when nothing happened towards the ultimate goal, and now a Black Hornet has carried Tom away.
How can they waste another episode marching in place when they have so little time remaining and so far to go? I actually found this round a little tedious, with so much time spent watching Hal and Dan being held captive, waiting for them to make their moves.

Tom being carried off by the Black Hornet was a bit much. How long was the big bug swooping around Pope's camp waiting for his passenger to arrive? How did it know Tom was coming? I suspect his destination is Espheni HQ.

Looks like we're not going to get that promised combat action any time soon. I expect the story to next follow Tom and his mission to destroy the ultimate Espheni comeback weapon, as warned by ghost wife.
Yes, it's not the show it used to be. No question. But I'll hang in till the end. After all 'only Tom' can save the world from another uprising. Hmmm.
Yes, it's not the show it used to be. No question. But I'll hang in till the end. After all 'only Tom' can save the world from another uprising. Hmmm.
If that happens then I'll concede that the whole storyline is a pile of <add appropriate noun>. One man can only save the world so many times (unless they are Tom Cruise.) Also, wasn't Hal just advocating to Pope in this very episode how his father wasn't a god-like figure setting himself to rule a newly created world-order?
Ah, yes Dave, but the alien posing as Tom's wife said only he could save the world. Without him it would all go to sh*t. If you see my point, sir.

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